A mysql:8.0.28 docker image package to be ran on singularity containerization solution.
To start, build the singularity image with the command below which will store it as mysql.sif:
sudo singularity build mysql.sif mysql.def
singularity pull --arch amd64 library://synicix/walkerlab/mysql.sif:latest
First we need to create the apporiate folders to store the /var/lib/mysql data directory and the /var/lib/run directory. Simply run these these commands under the folder where you want to stored them:
mkdir -p ./var/lib/mysql
mkdir -p ./var/run/mysqld
Note that there is also a default my.cnf that is provided in this repo. You can modify it to your liking and it will be bind into the container in the appropriate location
Start the server with the correct files binding via:
singularity instance start --bind <path_to_var_lib_mysql>:/var/lib/mysql/ --bind <path_to_var_run_mysqld>:/var/run/mysqld/ --bind <path_to_my.cnf>:/etc/mysql/my.cnf mysql.sif mysql
Logging in root requires to you extract the password that was generated for you during the initial start up:
cat ~/.singularity/instances/logs/<host_name>/<username>/mysql.err | grep "A temporary password is generated for root@localhost"
Then shell into the running instance with:
singularity shell instance://mysql
Login with root:
mysql -u root -p
Change the root password for localhost
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<root_password_here>';
Create root user with remote access (Optional)
CREATE USER 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<root_password_here>'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;
Simply run:
singularity instance stop mysql
To start normally after the first time setup has been done simply run
singularity instance start --bind <path_to_var_lib_mysql>:/var/lib/mysql/ --bind <path_to_var_run_mysqld>:/var/run/mysqld/ --bind <path_to_my.cnf>:/etc/mysql/my.cnf mysql.sif mysql
There is a script for scheduling it on the HYAK cluster via direct run or cronjob (Highly Recommneded)
The script will find if the server is already deployed, if it is the script will exist, if not it will deploy it for 14 days (This can be changed later.)
Add a new cron job via:
crontab -e
You can set it for every 5 minutes like with output redirection:
*/5 * * * * cd <directory_of_repository> && ./mysql_deployment.sh > <file_to_output_redirection_path>
Simply use sbatch command to deploy it for 2 weeks:
sbatch --account=walkerlab --partition=gpu-a40 --time=14-0:00 mysql_slurm_deployment.slurm