This package implements the robust adaptive metropolis (RAM) sampler described in Vihola (2012) for the Julia language.
The RAM_sample
function runs a MCMC sampler on a given log target function. The arguments for the functions are as follows:
RAM_sample(logtarget, x0, M0, n; opt_α=0.234, γ=2/3, q=Normal(), show_progress=true)
this must be a callable that accepts one parameter which is a vector of values to evaluate the log target function on. The function passed must return the log value of the target function.x0
is a vector of initial values at which the sampler will start the MCMC algorithm. The length of the vector controls the dimensionality of the problem.M0
is the initial co-variance matrix that the sampler should use to scale the new proposal.M0
can be passed in many different ways:
- a scalar: an isotropic covariance matrix with diagonal elements
. - an
: a diagonal covariance matrix with diagonal elementsabs2.(M0)
. - an
(or aDiagnoal
or anAbstractPDMat
): a value of any of these types will be interpreted directly as the covariance matrix.
: the number of elements to be sampled, i.e. the length of the chain.opt_α
: the target acceptance rate the algorithm is trying to hit.γ
: a parameter for the computation of the step size sequence.q
: the proposal distribution.show_progress
: a flag that controls whether a progress bar is shown.nsampled
: in sequential application ofRAM_sample
, provide the number of global steps so far to yield consistent updates on the covariance matrix.output_log_probability_x
: a flag that controls whether to include output for the log-posterior scores from each Markov chain iteration.
The function returns a NamedTuple
with three (or optionally four) elements:
: aMatrix
with the result chain. Each row is one sample, the columns correspond to the dimensions of the problem.acceptance_rate
: the acceptance rate for the overall chain.M
: the last co-variance matrix used in the algorithm.log_probabilities_x
: the log-posterior score from each Markov chain iteration. Each element oflog_probabilities_x
corresponds to a row fromchain
A simple example of using the function is
using Distributions, RobustAdaptiveMetropolisSampler
chain, accrate, S = RAM_sample(
p -> logpdf(Normal(3., 2), p[1]), # log target function
[0.], # Initial value
0.5, # Use an isotropic covariance matrix with diagonal elements abs2(0.5)
100_000 # Number of runs