Systemd replacement for G8OS
The following steps will create a docker container that have core0 as the init process. When running, u can send commands to core0 using the pyclient
First we need to prepare the base docker image to host core0
FROM ubuntu:16.04
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y wget && \
apt-get install -y fuse && \
apt-get install -y iproute2 && \
apt-get install -y nftables && \
apt-get install -y dnsmasq && \
apt-get install -y redis-server
Make sure that you build both core0 and coreX as following
go get
go get
The do
cd $GOPATH/src/
# then start the docker container
docker run --privileged -d \
--name core0 \
-v `pwd`/core0/core0:/usr/sbin/core0 \
-v `pwd`/coreX/coreX:/usr/sbin/coreX \
-v `pwd`/core0/ \
-v `pwd`/core0/conf:/root/conf \
corebase \
core0 -c /root/core.toml
Note: You might ask why we do this instead of copying those files directly to the image the point is, now it's very easy for development, each time u rebuild the binary or change the config u can just do
docker restart core0
without rebuilding the whole image.
To follow the container logs do
docker logs -f core0
Before using the client make sure the ./pyclient
is in your PYTHONPATH
import client
cl = client.Client(host='ip of docker container running core0')
#validate that core0 is reachable
#then u can do stuff like
cl.system('ps -eF').get()
cl.system('ip a').get()
#client exposes more tools for disk, bridges, and container mgmt
- Boot the core0 as init process
- Manage disks
- Create containers
- Full Namespace isolation
- Host the root filesystem of the containers via ipfs
- Network stack dedicated
- ZeroTier Network integration
- Use flist file format as root metadata
- Remotly administrate the process
- via Python client
- via redis
- change datastore for fuse filesystem from ipfs to G8OS Store.
You can find example usage here