To run the script, make sure you have yarn
and nodejs
run yarn
to install yarn dependencies
run yarn add @polkadot/api
to install the necessary polkadot api packages
If no command line args are included, it defaults to the Polkadot network
node index-polkadot.js
Include "kusama" as a command line argument to run this script on the Kusama network
node index-polkadot.js kusama
Make sure you have Python 3 installed.
run pip install matplotlib
to install the graphing library used
Before running the python script to create the graphs, you must save the output of node index-polkadot.js
to a text file.
eg. node index-polkadot.js > polkadot_out.txt
To run the script to create graphs:
python [input_file]
eg. python polkadot_out.txt
- input_file is an optional parameter, without it you will be prompted to enter the file name when the program runs
- output file name can be omitted when prompted, the default name for each graph is shown as an example and will be used if no file name is provided
- output file name must end with one of the following extensions, or be omitted:
- eps, jpeg, jpg, pdf, pgf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz, tif, tiff
- if no extension is provided, matplotlib defaults to .png
deltas.js takes two files as arguments and shows the differences between both of the files
To run the script:
node deltas.js <file_1> <file_2>