git clone
cd polkadot-watcher
cp config/main.sample.yaml config/main.yaml
#just the first time
yarn build
yarn start
The watcher is a nodeJs application meant to be connected with a substrate based node through a web socket.
It can then monitor the status of the node, leveraging on mechanisms such as the builtin heartbeat.
- An Active validator has been detected offline
- An Active validator is risking to be caught offline, please act ASAP
- A validator is not seleceted by Phragmen alorithm to be part of the active set
- A validator has changed his payout address destination
- A validator has an unexpected payout address destination
- A validator has changed his commission rate
- A validator has an unexpected commission rate
Possible Payout Destination Types are 'Staked' | 'Stash' | 'Controller' | 'Account' | 'None'
If an expected destination address is specified in the config file, it is implicit that you are expecting a type 'Account'
to be matched.
- validators staking and heartbeats:
- session:
- era:
- polkadotJs library (raccomended, Nodejs + typescript):
- event, validators offline:
A sample config file is provided here
The list of your addresses can be dynamically retrieved (app startup/restart) from a Git file. Check the GitConfigLoader implementation.
A Prometheus instance can be attached to this application thanks to the endpoint exposed at /metrics.
An Alerting system can be then built on top of that, see here
The Dockerfile can be deployed into a Kubernetes cluster thanks to the polkadot-watcher chart.