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2023 TPAC Planning

Addison Phillips edited this page Sep 12, 2023 · 42 revisions


This page contains the Internationalization (I18N) WG's plans for the 2023 TPAC meeting in Seville, Spain. TPAC will occur between 11 and 15 September 2023. I18N will meet on Monday (11 September) and Tuesday (12 September). This meeting will be hybrid in-person and dial-in.

Meeting Links

  • Monday's meeting link is here
  • Tuesday's meeting link is here


We are located in the room "Bambú", located on the main level (but slightly down) to the rear of the hotel. Walk past the "Tech Room" and you'll find us!


Monday 11 September

Start time: 0930

Topic: Meet and Greet

Refreshing acquaintances and meeting new friends. Setting ground rules.

Topic: Agenda

  • Henri Sivonen asked about Action #9

  • Addison notes on-going discussion of lang/dir in VCDM issue 1264 and the need to discuss lang/dir and L10N of JSON formats in general

  • For @annevk quick-and-dirty review of

  • Decide on lunch break times for both days (so we can communicate with others)

  • Review CSS issues

  • Review WCAG Response 2608

Topic: Action Item and Radar Review

Topic: Joint meeting with Webapps

  • Time: 1430
  • Status: Confirmed
  • Location: Nervion I, Level -1

I18N restarting at 1545/1600

Topic: ??

End time: 1630

Tuesday 12 September

Start time: 0930

We start in Bambu at 930

Topic: Joint meeting with RDF-star

  • Time: 10:30
  • Status: Confirmed
  • Location: RDF's room (Arenal, Level -1)

Topic: Agenda

Topic: Review Monday's Meeting and Actions for today

Topic: Review needs-attention issues

Topic: Joint meeting with APA

  • Time: 11:30-12:00
  • Status: Confirmed (in a tentative way)
  • Location: APA's room (Utrera, 1st floor)

Topic: ??

End time: 1630

Wednesday 13 September


DOM Localization

The I18N WG will not be meeting formally on Thursday and Friday, but this section tracks our group's visits to other WGs on those days. Specific calendar entries will also be created.

Thursday 14 September

1130: Joint meeting with CSS

Friday 15 September

Requests from Other WGs

  • CSS (meets 14/15, contact frivoal, fantasai)

  • WebPayments (meets 11/12, contact Ian Jacobs)

  • APA (meets 11/12, contact Matthew Atkinson, Janina)

  • Webapps (contact Marcos, Leonie; we contacted them)

Proposed CSS Joint Agenda

We actioned @frivoal with triaging all CSS properties for which are logical, physical, or n/a. How is that going? What progress has been made? What do you need from I18N?

  • It should be possible to slant glyphs to the left for italics/oblique

  • Font Fallback and Generics aka

The issue here is that text-stroke cuts some joining glyphs apart, such as in Devanagari or Arabic scripts. Note that this is an I18N Gap Analysis issue

If there is time: aka We are satisfied by the fix for this, but it hasn't reached the spec yet. NO need to discuss unless there is some blockage.