Argon2 encryption algorithm. It provides a one-way encryption for passwords in the Entando Platform.
You can configure the execution of the algorithm by editing the properties file
; you can find this file in src/main/config
path of your project.
The default values of the settings are:
Correct values for ```algo.argon2.type``` are (case sensitive):
1. ARGON2d is faster and uses data-depending memory access;
2. ARGON2i default value, is slower but uses data-independent memory access;
3. ARGON2id is a hybrid of Argon2i and Argon2d, using a combination of data-depending and data-independent memory accesses;
Correct values for ```algo.argon2.hash.length``` are: 4..2^32-1 (longer hash means more complex and safe hash but slower execution)
Correct values for ```algo.argon2.salt.length``` are: 8..2^32-1 (longer salt means more complex and safe hash but slower execution)
Correct values for ```algo.argon2.iterations``` are: 1..2^32-1 (more iterations means more complex and safe hash but slower execution)
Correct values for ```algo.argon2.parallelism``` are: 8..2^32-1 (parallelism means the number of execution threads; more threads means more complex and safe hash but slower execution)
Correct values for ```algo.argon2.memory``` are: 8*parallelism..2^32-1 (greater memory means more complex and safe hash but slower execution)
If you put the wrong values, default values will be used.
*You can configure the algorithm just one time, before the first launch of your project; changing the parameters afterwards will no longer allow the verification of passwords*.
In order to use the new encryption methods in an existing project, you have to execute this ```alter table``` on your Serv DB (example for PostgreSql):
```ALTER TABLE authusers
ALTER COLUMN passwd TYPE character varying(512);```
Furthermore, if you want to change the parameters, you have to create the propertis file `````` in ```src/main/config``` path of your project.
Entando Core is released under [GNU Lesser General Public License V 3.0]
*The Entando Team*