Submitted by: Victory Yinka-Banjo
Sea Monster is a website for the company Sea Monster Crowdfunding that displays information about the games they have funded.
Time spent: 18 hours spent in total
The following required functionality is completed:
- The introduction section explains the background of the company and how many games remain unfunded.
- The Stats section includes information about the total contributions and dollars raised as well as the top two most funded games.
- The Our Games section initially displays all games funded by Sea Monster Crowdfunding
- The Our Games section has three buttons that allow the user to display only unfunded games, only funded games, or all games.
The following optional features are implemented:
- A nav bar is included at the top of the page with hyperlinks to the each of the The introduction (Home), Stats and Our Games sections such that if a user wants to use to get to the Our Games or Stats section quickly, without needing to scroll, they can.
- A smooth scroll implemented using CSS improves the flow of the page between sections as the user navigates through the page.
- Buttons and clickable text have additional CSS hover featurs that scale and/or change colors or cursor type when pointed at by a touchpad or mouse.
- The overall color scheme of the website is altered from the original light blue and grey theme to a simpler, almost monotone, black and white so that the aesthetic of the website has a more contemporary and clean feel.
Here's a walkthrough of implemented features:
GIF created with LiceCap!
Figuring out how to use javascript's for loop feature to create a function that adds all data from the games array to the page was my first major challenge. I made use of for each and for in before realizing that for of was the optimal for method to use.
It took me a bit of time to fully grasp the idea behind filter and reduce in order to implement them and manipulate them, especially when coming up with a strategy for counting the number of unfunded games.
The ternary operator also stumped me for a few minutes, when trying to create a grammatically correct string that explained the number of unfunded games properly but was satisfying when I got it!
I ran into a couple struggles with CSS overall when figuring out how to manipulate flex box using features like flex grow and flex direction to structure the nav bar and home/stats sections in the exact way I wanted it. Using the '100vh' measurement to fill the page with my website's content was a really helpful hack that I hadn't prior been exposed to.
I struggled with understanding how to implement .gitignore; I still don't think I fully have the hang of it but I was able to ignore the DS_Store file and hope to practice using the git function more!
The smooth scroll functionality isn't fully where I want it to be yet; I haven't been able to debug yet why it isn't working like I had hoped it would. I tried using jQuery and javascript as an alternative method but I didn't understand exactly how to code worked so I decided to exclude it temporarily and come back to it.
I still intend to add in a functionality that will allow the user to search for a specific game they have heard of withouth having to scroll through the games section, but it is a task I put off before this submission in order to allow myself submit as early as possible to hopefully secure a place in the class.
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