This project is to share different ways and methods of deploying kubernetes cluster, deployments and add-ons. This is NOT for people who are looking to learn kubernetes the hard way. You can check out my other project to build kubernetes-the-hard-way-on-azure.
In this project I have used Microsoft Azure to provision the required infrastructure.
In this project I will be using MobaXterm to run the Azure CLI. Follow the documentation to Install Azure CLI on Windows.
MobaXterm has local terminal features that allow to run Unix commands on your local Windows computer Start Local Terminal
In order to quickly provision infra, I have shared Terraform script which can quickly launch VMs on Azure cloud. Most of the environments would be three machine cluster unless there is a requirement in design for HA.
- Provision Infra on Azure Cloud
- Create a Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm
- Create a Kubernetes cluster using kubespray
- Install Visualization add-on - Weave Scope
- Install Portainer
- Deploy Azure Managed Kubernetes Cluster (AKS) using Terraform
- Secure the Cluster by Adding Network Security Group
- Add Node to Kubernetes Cluster (Kubeadm)
- Add Node to Kubernetes Cluster (Kubespray)