HTTP frontend to serve files from MongoDB's GridFS using nodejs
$ gridfs-http-frontend
$ gridfs-http-frontend --backend=mongodb://my-gridfs.local:27117/gridfs --listen_address= --listen_port=3000
$ gridfs-http-frontend --config=path_to_config.js
There's also an example Upstart script in the 'upstart' directory
- backend = mongodb://
- listen_address =
- listen_port = 3000
Order of config variable resolution
- --config=[configfile.js]
- [executable]/lib/config.js
- command line args: --backend=mongodb://my-gridfs.local:27117/gridfs --listen_address= --listen_port=300
Command line args will override any coming from a config file.
exports = module.exports = {
listen: {
address: process.env.HOSTNAME,
port: process.env.PORT || 3000,
backend: process.env.DATABASE_URL || "mongodb://",
GridFS files will then be available at http://gridfs-http.local:3000/[grid_id]
Optionally - file URLs can have appended a forward slash and (anything else) e.g. http://gridfs-http.local:3000/[grid_id]/my_nice_filename.jpg
Note this differs from the upstream, which serves files based on filename.
$ gridfs ls
Sat Oct 26 2013 21:18:24 GMT+0300 (EEST) 6bb7c31d7ca6538aafa571b62b17118f package.json
$ gridfs cat package.json
{ ... }
$ gridfs put package.json
$ gridfs
start: starts the a web server
ls: list the files that are maching the given pattern
cat: print a file content
rm: removes a file
put: uploads a file into the grid
help: displays help for a given command