Here are the steps to run this application:
- make sure python3 is available on your machine and the pip3 command works.
- download the code of aus-senate-audit from
- use command "pip3 install aus-senate-audit" on the terminal to install aus-senate-audit
- use command "pip3 install git+" to install dividebatur because the original dividebatur has bug and this is the debugged version
- make sure flask module is installed by using "pip3 install flask"
- check if module itsdangerous and Jinja2 is installed by using command "pip3 install xxx" separately
- download the Werkzeug module from
- make sure flask_login is installed by using "pip3 install flask_login"
- make sure mysql is install and the password for the root of mysql has been set
- change the null to the password that you have for mysql in's "app.config['MYSQL_DATABASE_PASSWORD'] = ''"
- use command "mysql -uroot -p'here is your password'<'path to the file schema.sql under the folder /scripts'" to build the database
- use command "pip3 install flask-mysql"
- download module from and cd to the path that contains the module package and use command "pip3 install flask_table"
- use command "pip3 install flask_security" to install flask_security
- change the path of the variable "UPLOAD_FOLDER","DATA_DIR" and "OUTPUT_DIR" to your own path and put the audit data (e.g Australian senate election data) in the directory of the variable "DATA_DIR"
- cd to the path of the asa-frontend and then use command "python3" to run on terminal and open the link that shows on the terminal