A Monte Carlo implementation to probe the distribution of linearly polarized gluons and elliptic azimuthal anisotropy in DIS dijet production at high energy
g++ and gcc or compatible compiler
On Linux Debian-based platforms run
sudo apt-get install gsl-bin libgsl0-dev
On OS X with Homebrew run
brew install gsl
Boost libraries might be required for older versions of g++
On Linux Debian-based platforms run
sudo apt-get install libboost-random-dev libboost-math-dev
On OS X with Homebrew run
brew install boost
On Linux Debian-based platforms run
sudo apt-get install cmake
On OS X with Homebrew run
brew install cmake
Adjust paths if required in Makefile
This section provides a brief description of the output of McDijet and how to work with it. To understand the calculations performed by the code we strongly recommend to read arXiv:1809.02615
By default the flag PRINT_PARTONS, see mc_dijet.cpp, is set and the output refers to the momenta of the produced quark and anti-quark. The code also prints the virtuality of the photon etc. The order is specified in the 5th line of the output file. Every line after that corresponds to a particular gamma* + A --> q + qbar event.
In particular:
- pol: photon polarization (0=transverse, 1=longitudinal)
- xS is the differential cross section at the given Q2, W, Pt, qt, z, phi, for the given photon polarization
- phiT is the azimuthal angle of Pt
- phiT + phi is the azimuthal angle of qt
./mc_dijet.x > output.dat
By default 30 000 events will be produced and stored in the file output.dat.
If you would like to directly plot this output then you would probably want to remove header and "Events processed ..." lines first:
sed -i -e 1,5d output.dat sed -i -n '/Events/d' output.dat
(this edits the file in place, make a backup first to preserve the original version)
You can use Pythia8 to produce paticle showers from the two genrated partons. For this you have to
- Download Pythia 8 from http://home.thep.lu.se/~torbjorn/pythia8/pythia8235.tgz
- Extract it to the same folder, where McDijet folder is; that is "pythia8255" and "McDijet" should be located in the same folder
- Configure and compile Pythia: ./configure; make
- Uncomment line 33 in mcdijet.cpp: #include "PythiaAfterBurner.h"
- Comment line 944 in mcdijet.cpp: AfterBurner * afterBurner = new NoBurner;
- Uncomment line 945 in mcdijet.cpp: AfterBurner * afterBurner = new PythiaAfterBurner;
- Run make pythiaAfterBurner; it will produce the executable mcdijet.x
- The events are not saved in a file; instead you might consider adding your analysis routins to PythiaAfterBurner.cpp, see line 183
Please report bugs directly to [email protected]
Code is under the GNU General Public License. Please cite http://inspirehep.net/record/1693295 if used