In order to use Flora UI in your project just copy and paste the following code in the head tag of your html document.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
Flora UI consists of the following components:
- Alerts
- Avatars
- Badges
- Buttons
- Cards
- Images
- Inputs
- Typography
- List
- Navigation
- Modal
- Rating
- Toast
- Grid
- Slider
Alerts are used to display an important message to the user.
In Flora UI you will find the following types of alerts.
- Primary Alert
- Info Alert
- Success Alert
- Warning Alert
- Error Alert
- Alert with close button
Avatar is a circle that represents a user. Typically used with a user's profile image.
In Flora UI you will find the following types of avatars
- Image Avatars
- Avatars in different sizes
- Fallback Avatar
Badges can be used for an additional marker for the avatar, card or any other component.
In Flora UI you will find the following types of badges
- Badge on Icon
- Badge on Avatar
- Text Badge
Buttons are also called as call to action. We have range of buttons that are listed below .
Following types of buttons are available in Flora UI
- Solid Buttons
- Outlined Buttons
- Link Buttons
- Icon Buttons
- Floating Buttons
- Disabled Buttons
A card is a sheet used to represent the information related to each other like product details.
Following types of cards are available in Flora UI
- Card with badge
- Card with dismiss
- Card with text overlay
- Text only Card
- Vertical Card and Horizontal Card
Image component are of two types:-
- Responsive Image
- Round Image
Input are used to take input from the user.They let the user interact with the application
Following types of inputs are available in Flora UI
- Textbox
- Textbox with error styling
- Textbox with icon
- A Form Example
Check out below the text utilites.
- Headings
- Paragraph Text
- Text Alignment
- Extra Text utilites
Following types of list styles are available in flora UI
- Unordered List - bullets, disc, square
- Ordered List - numbers, romans, alphabets, reversed
- List with no styling
- Stacked List
Navigation component allows the user to navigate to different pages of the website.
A modal is a dialog box or a popup window that is displayed on top of the current page.
Rating components can be used as read-only badge and can be used in reviews section as form too.
- Review rating form
- Rating Badge
Toasts provide brief feedback about an operation through a message. Toasts contain a single line of text directly related to the operation performed.
- Simple Toast
- Toast with close button
CSS grid creates complex responsive web design grid layouts more easily and consistently across browsers.
- Two Columns Grid
- Two Rows Grid
- Three Columns Grid
- Three Rows Grid