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============================================================== Run_Analysis.R R-script on Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Dataset
The run_analysis.R script reads data from the "Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Dataset" and produces a new - tidy dataset which may be used for further analysis.
'features.txt': List of all features.
'activity_labels.txt': List of class labels and their activity name.
'train/X_train.txt': Training set.
'train/y_train.txt': Training labels.
'train/subject_train.txt': ID's of subjects in the training data
'test/X_test.txt': Test set.
'test/y_test.txt': Test labels.
'test/subject_test.txt': ID's of subjects in the training data
The run_analysis.R script merges data from a number of .txt files and produces a tidy data set which may be used for further analysis.
First it checks to see if the required "reshape2" has been installed and then loads the "reshape2" package.
It then reads all required .txt files and labels the datasets
Consquently the appropriate "activity_id"'s and "subject_id"'s are appended to the "test" and the "training" data, which are then combined into one single data frame
Using the "grep" function, all the columns with mean() and std() values are extracted and then a new data frame, including only the "activity_id", the "subject_id" and the mean() and std() columns, is created
Using the "merge" function, descriptive activity names are merged with the mean/standard deviation values dataset, to get one dataset with descriptive activity names
Lastly, with the help of the "melt" and "dcast" functions of the "reshape2" package, the data is converted into a table containing mean values of all the included features, ordered by the activity name and the subject id, and the data is written to the "tidy_data.txt" file.
A description of the "tidy_data.txt" file may be found in the "CodeBook.md" file.