This module installs Grafana, a dashboard and graph editor for Graphite, InfluxDB and OpenTSDB.
With the 9.0.0 release of this module we only support Grafana 6.x/7.x/8.x. Version 8 of the module was tested successfully on Grafana 6 and 7.
This module will:
- Install Grafana using your preferred method: package (default), Docker container, or tar archive
- Allow you to override the version of Grafana to be installed, and / or the package source
- Perform basic configuration of Grafana
- If using an operating system of the Debian-based family, and the "repo"
, you will need to ensure that puppetlabs-apt version 4.x is installed. - If using Docker, you will need the garethr/docker module version 5.x
To install Grafana with the default parameters:
class { 'grafana': }
This assumes that you want to install Grafana using the 'package' method. To establish customized parameters:
class { 'grafana':
install_method => 'docker',
The Grafana module's primary class, grafana
, guides the basic setup of Grafana
on your system.
class { 'grafana': }
Parameters within grafana
The download location of a tarball to use with the 'archive' install method. Defaults to the URL of the latest version of Grafana available at the time of module release.
Configures the location to which the Grafana configuration is written. The default location is '/etc/grafana/grafana.ini'.
Manages the Grafana configuration file. Grafana comes with its own default settings in a different configuration file (/opt/grafana/current/conf/defaults.ini), therefore this module does not supply any defaults.
This parameter only accepts a Hash
(or Sensitive[Hash]
) as its value. Keys with hashes as values will
generate sections, any other values are just plain values. The example below will
result in...
class { 'grafana':
cfg => {
app_mode => 'production',
server => {
http_port => 8080,
database => {
type => 'mysql',
host => '',
name => 'grafana',
user => 'root',
password => '',
users => {
allow_sign_up => false,
...the following Grafana configuration:
# This file is managed by Puppet, any changes will be overwritten
app_mode = production
http_port = 8080
type = mysql
host =
name = grafana
user = root
password =
allow_sign_up = false
Some minor notes:
- If you want empty values, just use an empty string.
- Keys that contains dots (like need to be quoted.
- The order of the keys in this hash is the same as they will be written to the configuration file. So settings that do not fall under a section will have to come before any sections in the hash.
- If your configuration contains secrets you want hidden in Puppet log output and reports
use a
instead of a normalHash
Manages the Grafana LDAP configuration file. This hash is directly translated into the corresponding TOML file, allowing for full flexibility in generating the configuration.
See the LDAP documentation for more information.
This option requires the toml gem.
puppet resource package toml ensure=installed provider=puppetserver_gem
This enables the puppetserver to compile a catalog. If you've the generate types option enabled in r10k or code-manager, you also need to install the gem for the puppet-agent Ruby:
puppet resource package toml ensure=installed provider=puppet_gem
LDAP configuration usually contains secrets. If you want to stop these being leaked in logs and reports,
the ldap_cfg
parameter will optionally accept the Sensitive
data type.
This option by itself is not sufficient to enable LDAP configuration as it must be enabled in the main configuration file. Enable it in cfg with:
'auth.ldap' => {
enabled => 'true',
config_file => '/etc/grafana/ldap.toml',
ldap_cfg => Sensitive({
servers => [
{ host => '',
port => 636,
use_ssl => true,
search_filter => '(sAMAccountName=%s)',
search_base_dns => [ 'dc=domain1,dc=com' ],
bind_dn => '[email protected]',
bind_password => 'passwordhere',
'servers.attributes' => {
name => 'givenName',
surname => 'sn',
username => 'sAMAccountName',
member_of => 'memberOf',
email => 'mail',
If you want to connect to multiple LDAP servers using different configurations, use an array to enwrap the configurations as shown below.
ldap_cfg => Sensitive([
servers => [
host => '',
port => 636,
use_ssl => true,
search_filter => '(sAMAccountName=%s)',
search_base_dns => [ 'dc=domain1,dc=com' ],
bind_dn => '[email protected]',
bind_password => 'passwordhere',
'servers.attributes' => {
name => 'givenName',
surname => 'sn',
username => 'sAMAccountName',
member_of => 'memberOf',
email => 'mail',
'servers.group_mappings' => [
group_dn => 'cn=grafana_viewers,ou=groups,dc=domain1,dc=com',
org_role => 'Viewer',
servers => [
host => '',
port => 389,
use_ssl => false,
start_tls => true,
search_filter => '(uid=%s)',
search_base_dns => [ 'dc=domain2,dc=com' ],
bind_dn => '[email protected]',
bind_password => 'passwordhere',
'servers.attributes' => {
name => 'givenName',
surname => 'sn',
username => 'uid',
member_of => 'memberOf',
email => 'mail',
'servers.group_mappings' => [
'group_dn' => 'cn=grafana_admins,ou=groups,dc=domain2,dc=com',
'org_role' => 'Admin',
'grafana_admin' => true,
# or in hiera-yaml style
- servers:
- host:
port: 636
use_ssl: true
search_filter: '(sAMAccountName=%s)'
search_base_dns: ['dc=domain1,dc=com']
bind_dn: '[email protected]'
bind_password: 'passwordhere'
name: givenName
surname: sn
username: sAMAccountName
member_of: memberOf
email: mail
- group_dn: cn=grafana_viewers,ou=groups,dc=domain1,dc=com
org_role: Viewer
- servers:
- host:
port: 389
use_ssl: false
start_tls: true
search_filter: '(uid=%s)',
search_base_dns: ['dc=domain2,dc=com']
bind_dn: '[email protected]'
bind_password: 'passwordhere'
name: givenName
surname: sn
username: uid
member_of: memberOf
email: mail
- group_dn: cn=grafana_admins,ou=groups,dc=domain2,dc=com
org_role: Admin
grafana_admin: true
Boolean to control whether a configuration file should be generated when using the 'docker' install method. If 'true', use the 'cfg' and 'cfg_location' parameters to control creation of the file. Defaults to false.
A hash of parameters to use when creating the Docker container. For use with the 'docker' install method. Refer to documentation of the 'docker::run' resource in the garethr-docker module for details of available parameters. Defaults to:
container_params => {
'image' => 'grafana/grafana:latest',
'ports' => '3000:3000'
The directory Grafana will use for storing its data. Defaults to '/var/lib/grafana'.
The installation directory to be used with the 'archive' install method. Defaults to '/usr/share/grafana'.
Controls which method to use for installing Grafana. Valid options are: 'archive',
'docker', 'repo' and 'package'. The default is 'package'. If you wish to use the
'docker' installation method, you will need to include the 'docker' class in your
node's manifest / profile. If you wish to use the 'repo' installation method, you
can control whether the official Grafana repositories will be used. See
below for details.
Boolean. When using the 'repo' installation method, controls whether the official Grafana repositories are enabled on your host. If true, the official Grafana repositories will be enabled. If false, the module assumes you are managing your own package repository and will not set one up for you. Defaults to true.
Hash. This is a passthrough to call create_resources()
on the
resource type.
The name of the package managed with the 'package' install method. Defaults to 'grafana'.
The download location of a package to be used with the 'package' install method. Defaults to the URL of the latest version of Grafana available at the time of module release.
A Hash which is converted to YAML for grafana to provision data sources. See provisioning grafana for details and example config file. Requires grafana > v5.0.0.
This is very useful with Hiera as you can provide a yaml hash/dictionary which will effectively 'passthrough' to grafana. See Advanced Usage for examples.
A Hash which is converted to YAML for grafana to provision dashboards. See provisioning grafana for details and example config file. Requires grafana > v5.0.0.
This is very useful with Hiera as you can provide a yaml hash/dictionary which will effectively 'passthrough' to grafana. See Advanced Usage for examples.
N.B. A option named puppetsource
may be given in the options
which is not part of grafana's syntax. This option will be extracted
from the hash, and used to "source" a directory of dashboards. See
Advanced Usage for details.
A String that is used as the target file name for the dashabords provisioning file. This way the module can be used to generate placeholder files so password can be sepecified in a different iteration, avoiding them to be put in the module code.
A String that is used as the target file name for the datasources provisioning file. This way the module can be used to generate placeholder files so password can be sepecified in a different iteration, avoiding them to be put in the module code.
Used when installing Grafana from package ('package' or 'repo' install methods) on Red Hat based systems. Defaults to '1'. It should not be necessary to change this in most cases.
The name of the service managed with the 'archive' and 'package' install methods. Defaults to 'grafana-server'.
The version of Grafana to install and manage. Defaults to 'installed'
The RPM and DEB packages bring with them the default environment files for the services. The default location of this file for Debian is /etc/default/grafana-server and for RedHat /etc/sysconfig/grafana-server.
A hash of environment variables for the service. This only has an effect for installations with RPM and DEB packages (if install_method is set to 'package' or 'repo').
sysconfig => {
'http_proxy' => '',
The archive install method will create the user and a "command line" service by default. There are no extra parameters to manage user/service for archive. However, both check to see if they are defined before defining. This way you can create your own user and service with your own specifications. (sort of overriding) The service can be a bit tricky, in this example below, the class sensu_install::grafana::service creates a startup script and a service{'grafana-server':}
user { 'grafana':
ensure => present,
uid => '1234',
class { 'grafana':
install_method => 'archive',
include sensu_install::grafana::service
# run your service after install/config but before grafana::service
If you are using a sub-path for the Grafana API, you will need to set the grafana_api_path
parameter for the following custom types:
For instance, if your sub-path is /grafana
, the grafana_api_path
be set to /grafana/api
. Do not add a trailing /
(slash) at the end of the value.
If you are not using sub-paths, you do not need to set this parameter.
The module includes several custom types:
In order to use the organization resource, add the following to your manifest:
grafana_organization { 'example_org':
ensure => present,
grafana_url => 'http://localhost:3000',
grafana_user => 'admin',
grafana_password => '5ecretPassw0rd',
, grafana_user
, and grafana_password
are required to create organizations via the API.
set ensure => absent
if you want to remove an organization.
Removing the default organization, (Main org.
), is not supported.
In order to use the team resource, add the following to your manifest:
grafana_team { 'example_team':
ensure => 'present',
grafana_url => 'http://localhost:3000',
grafana_user => 'admin',
grafana_password => '5ecretPassw0rd',
home_dashboard => 'example_dashboard',
organization => 'example_org',
Organziation must exist if specified.
, grafana_user
, and grafana_password
are required to create teams via the API.
is required. If the resource should be present
or absent
is optional if the name will differ from example_team above.
is optional. Sets the folder where home dashboard resides. Dashboard folder must exist.
is optional. Sets the home dashboard for team. Dashboard must exist.
is optional. Defaults to Main org.
In order to use the dashboard permission resource, add one the following to your manifest:
add permissions for user:
grafana_dashboard_permission { 'example_user_permission':
ensure => 'present',
grafana_url => 'http://localhost:3000',
grafana_user => 'admin',
grafana_password => '5ecretPassw0rd',
dashboard => 'example_dashboard',
user => 'example_user',
organization => 'example_org',
add permissions for team:
grafana_dashboard_permission { 'example_team_permission':
ensure => 'present',
grafana_url => 'http://localhost:3000',
grafana_user => 'admin',
grafana_password => '5ecretPassw0rd',
dashboard => 'example_dashboard',
team => 'example_team',
organization => 'example_org',
Organziation, team, user and dashboard must exist if specified.
, grafana_user
, and grafana_password
are required to create teams via the API.
is required. If the resource should be present
or absent
is required. The dashboard to set permissions for.
is required if team
not set. The user to add permissions for.
is required if user
not set. the team to add permissions for.
is optional if the name will differ from example_team above.
is optional. Defaults to Main org.
In order to use the membership resource, add the following to your manifest:
grafana_membership { 'example_membership':
ensure => 'present',
grafana_url => 'http://localhost:3000',
grafana_user => 'admin',
grafana_password => '5ecretPassw0rd',
membership_type => 'team',
organization => 'example_org',
target_name => 'example_team',
user_name => 'example_user',
role => 'Viewer'
A membership is the concept of a user belonging to a target - either a team
or an organization
The user and target must both exist for a membership to be created
, grafana_user
, and grafana_password
are required to create memberships via the API.
is required. If the resource should be present
or absent
is required. Either team
or organization
is required. Specifies the target of the membership.
is required. Specifies the user that is the focus of the membership.
is required. Specifies what rights to grant the user. Either Viewer
, Editor
or Admin
is optional when using the membership_type
of team
. Defaults to Main org.
In order to use the dashboard resource, add the following to your manifest:
grafana_dashboard { 'example_dashboard':
grafana_url => 'http://localhost:3000',
grafana_user => 'admin',
grafana_password => '5ecretPassw0rd',
grafana_api_path => '/grafana/api',
folder => 'folder-name',
organization => 'NewOrg',
content => template('path/to/exported/file.json'),
must be valid JSON, and is parsed before imported. You can use the JSON generated with the share/export functionality or from the API call to /dashboards/uid but must remove the fields "id", "uid", "title" and "version" to make the resource call idempotent.
and grafana_password
are optional, and required when
authentication is enabled in Grafana. grafana_api_path
is optional, and only used when using sub-paths for the API. organization
is optional, and used when creating a dashboard for a specific organization.
is an optional parameter, but the folder resource must exist.
Make sure the grafana-server
service is up and running before creating the grafana_dashboard
definition. One option is to use the http_conn_validator
from the healthcheck module
http_conn_validator { 'grafana-conn-validator' :
host => 'localhost',
port => '3000',
use_ssl => false,
test_url => '/public/img/grafana_icon.svg',
require => Class['grafana'],
-> grafana_dashboard { 'example_dashboard':
grafana_url => 'http://localhost:3000',
grafana_user => 'admin',
grafana_password => '5ecretPassw0rd',
content => template('path/to/exported/file.json'),
In order to use the datasource resource, add the following to your manifest:
grafana_datasource { 'influxdb':
grafana_url => 'http://localhost:3000',
grafana_user => 'admin',
grafana_password => '5ecretPassw0rd',
grafana_api_path => '/grafana/api',
type => 'influxdb',
organization => 'NewOrg',
url => 'http://localhost:8086',
user => 'admin',
password => '1nFlux5ecret',
database => 'graphite',
access_mode => 'proxy',
is_default => true,
json_data => template('path/to/additional/config.json'),
secure_json_data => template('path/to/additional/secure/config.json')
Available types are: influxdb, elasticsearch, graphite, cloudwatch, mysql, opentsdb, postgres and prometheus
is used to set which organization a datasource will be created on. If this parameter is not set, it will default to organization ID 1 (Main Org. by default). If the default org is deleted, organizations will need to be specified.
Access mode determines how Grafana connects to the datasource, either direct
from the browser, or proxy
to send requests via grafana.
Setting basic_auth
to true
will allow use of the basic_auth_user
and basic_auth_password
Authentication is optional, as are database
and grafana_api_path
; additional json_data
and secure_json_data
can be provided to allow custom configuration options.
Make sure the grafana-server
service is up and running before creating the grafana_datasource
definition. One option is to use the http_conn_validator
from the healthcheck module
http_conn_validator { 'grafana-conn-validator' :
host => 'localhost',
port => '3000',
use_ssl => false,
test_url => '/public/img/grafana_icon.svg',
require => Class['grafana'],
-> grafana_datasource { 'influxdb':
grafana_url => 'http://localhost:3000',
grafana_user => 'admin',
grafana_password => '5ecretPassw0rd',
type => 'influxdb',
url => 'http://localhost:8086',
user => 'admin',
password => '1nFlux5ecret',
database => 'graphite',
access_mode => 'proxy',
is_default => true,
json_data => template('path/to/additional/config.json'),
Note that the database
is dynamic, setting things other than "database" for separate types. Ex: for Elasticsearch it will set the Index Name.
Note that there are separate options for json_data / secure_json_data based on the type of datasource you create.
- Required, either 2 or 5, set as a bare number.
- Required. By default this is @timestamp, but without setting it in jsonData, the datasource won't work without refreshing it in the GUI.
- Optional. A lower limit for the auto group by time interval. Recommended to be set to write frequency, for example "1m" if your data is written every minute.
json_data => {"esVersion":5,"timeField":"@timestamp","timeInterval":"1m"}
- Required. Options are Access & Secret Key
, Credentials File
, or ARN
-"keys" = Access & Secret Key
-"credentials" = Credentials File
-"arn" = ARN
When setting authType to credentials
, the database
param will set the Credentials Profile Name.
When setting authType to arn
, another jsonData value of assumeRoleARN
is available, which is not required for other authType settings
- Optional. Namespaces of Custom Metrics, separated by commas within double quotes.
- Required. Options are "ap-northeast-(1 or 2)", "ap-southeast-(1 or 2)", "ap-south-1", "ca-central-1", "cn-north-1", "eu-central-1", "eu-west-(1 or 2)", "sa-east-(1 or 2)", "us-east-(1 or 2)", "us-gov-west-1", "us-west-(1 or 2)".
- Required. Available versions are 0.9
or 1.0
- Set to true
or false
- Set to true
or false
- Required. Options are 1
or 2
= second
= millisecond
- Required. Options are 1
, 2
, or 3
  =   <=2.1
  =   ==2.2
  =   ==2.3
An example is provided for convenience; for more details, please view the puppet strings docs.
grafana_plugin { 'grafana-simple-json-datasource':
ensure => present,
It is possible to specify a custom plugin repository to install a plugin. This will use the --repo option for plugin installation with grafana_cli.
grafana_plugin { 'grafana-simple-json-datasource':
ensure => present,
repo => '',
It is also possible to specify a custom plugin url to install a plugin. This will use the --pluginUrl option for plugin installation with grafana_cli.
grafana_plugin { 'grafana-example-custom-plugin':
ensure => present,
plugin_url => ''
Creates and manages Grafana folders via the API.
The following example creates a folder named 'folder1':
grafana_folder { 'folder1':
ensure => present,
grafana_url => 'http://localhost:3000',
grafana_api_path => '/grafana/api',
grafana_user => 'admin',
grafana_password => '5ecretPassw0rd',
is only required if using sub-paths for the API
Creates and manages a global grafana user via the API.
grafana_user { 'username':
grafana_url => 'http://localhost:3000',
grafana_api_path => '/grafana/api',
grafana_user => 'admin',
grafana_password => '5ecretPassw0rd',
full_name => 'John Doe',
password => 'Us3r5ecret',
email => '[email protected]',
organizations => {
'Example Org' => 'Editor',
'Main org.' => 'Viewer',
'Another Org' => 'Admin',
is only required if using sub-paths for the API
If organizations
is specified, the user's organizations will be managed.
These should be specified as a hash of organization names and roles.
If puppet is managing any of these organizations, they will be autorequired.
Creates and manages a global alert notification channel via the API.
grafana_notification { 'channelname':
grafana_url => 'http://localhost:3000',
grafana_api_path => '/grafana/api',
grafana_user => 'admin',
grafana_password => '5ecretPassw0rd',
name => 'channelname',
type => 'email',
is_default => false,
send_reminder => false,
frequency => '20m',
settings => {
addresses => "[email protected]; [email protected]"
is only required if using sub-paths for the API
Notification types and related settingsi (cf doc Grafana : ) :
- email:
- addresses: ""
- hipchat:
- apikey : "0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a"
- autoResolve : true
- httpMethod : "POST"
- uploadImage : true
- url : ""
- kafka:
- autoResolve : true
- httpMethod : "POST"
- kafkaRestProxy: "http://localhost:8082"
- kafkaTopic : "topic1"
- uploadImage : true
- autoResolve: true
- httpMethod : "POST"
- token : "token"
- uploadImage: true
- teams (Microsoft Teams):
- autoResolve : true
- httpMethod : "POST"
- uploadImage :true
- url : ""
- pagerduty:
- autoResolve : true
- httpMethod : POST
- integrationKey :"0a0a0a0a0a"
- uploadImage : true
- prometheus-alertmanager:
- autoResolve : true
- httpMethod : "POST"
- uploadImage : true
- url : "http://localhost:9093"
- sensu:
- autoResolve : true
- handler : "default",
- httpMethod : "POST"
- uploadImage : true
- url : "http://sensu-api.local:4567/results"
- slack:
- autoResolve : true
- httpMethod : "POST"
- uploadImage : true
- url : ""
- token : "0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a"
- threema:
- api_secret : "0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a"
- autoResolve : true
- gateway_id : "*3MAGWID"
- httpMethod : "POST"
- recipient_id: "YOUR3MID"
- uploadImage : true
- discord:
- autoResolve : true,
- httpMethod : "POST"
- uploadImage : true
- url : ""
- webhook:
- autoResolve : true
- httpMethod : "POST"
- uploadImage : false
- url : "http://localhost:8080"
- telegram:
- autoResolve : true
- bottoken : "0a0a0a0a0a0a"
- chatid : "789789789"
- httpMethod : "POST"
- uploadImage : true
Grafana documentation on provisioning.
This module will provision grafana by placing yaml files into
by default.
A puppet hash example for Prometheus. The module will place the hash
as a yaml file into /etc/gafana/provisioning/datasources/puppetprovisioned.yaml
class { 'grafana':
provisioning_datasources => {
apiVersion => 1,
datasources => [
name => 'Prometheus',
type => 'prometheus',
access => 'proxy',
url => 'http://localhost:9090/prometheus',
isDefault => true,
Here is the same configuration example as a hiera hash.
apiVersion: 1
- name: 'Prometheus'
type: 'prometheus'
access: 'proxy'
url: 'http://localhost:9090/prometheus'
isDefault: true
An example puppet hash for provisioning dashboards. The module will
place the hash as a yaml file into
by default. More details follow the examples.
class { 'grafana':
provisioning_dashboards => {
apiVersion => 1,
providers => [
name => 'default',
orgId => 1,
folder => '',
type => 'file',
disableDeletion => true,
options => {
path => '/var/lib/grafana/dashboards',
puppetsource => 'puppet:///modules/my_custom_module/dashboards',
Here is the same configuraiton example as a hiera hash.
apiVersion: 1
- name: 'default'
orgId: 1
folder: ''
type: file
disableDeletion: true
path: '/var/lib/grafana/dashboards'
puppetsource: 'puppet:///modules/my_custom_module/dashboards'
In both examples above a non-grafana option named puppetsource
been used. When this module finds that the provisioning_dashboards hash
contains keys path
and puppetsource
in the options
subhash, it
will do the following.
- It will create the path found in
. Note: puppet will only create the final directory of the path unless the parametercreate_subdirs_provisioning
is set to true: this defaults to false. - It will use
as the file resource's 'source' for the directory. - It removes the
key from theoptions
subhash, so the subsequent yaml file for gafana does not contain this key. (Thepath
key will remain.)
This feature allows you to define a custom module, and place any
dashboards you want provisioned in the its files/
directory. In the
example above you would put dashboards into
and puppet-grafana will create
and provision it with the contents of
Puppet's file resource may also be given a file://
URI which may
point to a locally available directory on the filesystem, typically
the filesystem of the puppetserver/master. Thus you may specify a
local directory with grafana dashboards you wish to provision into
GrafanaLabs provides lots of dashboards that may be reused. Those ones are not directly usable for provisioning (this is a Grafana issue, not a Puppet one).
In order to have a "provisionable" dashboard in JSON format, you have to prepare it before adding it in your Puppet code. Here are the steps to follow:
- Use a Grafana instance
- Import the desired dashboard
- Define its datasource
- From the dashboard view:
- Click the "Share dashboard" icon (top left corner of screen)
- Select the "Export" tab,
- Activate "Export for sharing externally"
- Click "Save to file"
- In the JSON file:
- Remove the keys
- Replace all
by your datasource name
- Remove the keys
- Once saved, you may place this JSON file in your
This procedure have been tested with Grafana 6.x. It may not work for any dashboard, depending on how it's been coded.
Dashboards known to be "provisionable":
Dashboards known not to be "provisionable":
: the old admin password
: the password you want to use for the admin user
: http
or https
: the port Grafana runs on locally
This task can be used to change the password for the admin user in grafana
This module has been tested on every operating system in the metadata.json, using each of the 'archive', 'docker' and 'package' installation methods. Other configurations should work with minimal, if any, additional effort.
This module is a fork of bfraser/grafana maintained by Vox Pupuli. Vox Pupuli welcomes new contributions to this module, especially those that include documentation and rspec tests. We are happy to provide guidance if necessary.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for more details.
- Bill Fraser [email protected]
- Vox Pupuli Team
Copyright (C) 2015 Bill Fraser
Bill can be contacted at: [email protected]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.