beaker-rspec is a bridge between the puppet acceptance test harness (beaker) and rspec. It also integrates serverspec.
In beaker-rspec 6, we've picked up the newest beaker, 3.y. In this release, we've given up support for EoL Ruby and moved to 2.4 as our lowest tested version, as well as a number of other changes underneath.
To learn more about those changes, please checkout our how-to upgrade doc. Note that besides the Ruby version & beaker dependency change, nothing else was changed in beaker-rspec itself.
To figure out our current lowest supported Ruby version, check for the
key in beaker-rspec.gemspec
. To see all Ruby versions
we test on, check the list in .github/workflows/test.yml
Beaker does setup and provision all nodes from your nodeset on each test run, and cleans up the VMs after use. During development on a module it can be very handy to keep the VMs available for inspection or reuse. Set BEAKER_destroy=no
do skip the cleanup and BEAKER_provision=no
once the VMs are created.
Run tests with
, no setting forBEAKER_provision
- beaker-rspec will use spec/acceptance/nodesets/default.yml node file
- boxes will be newly provisioned
- boxes will be preserved post-testing
Run tests with
- beaker-rspec will use spec/acceptance/nodesets/default.yml node file
- boxes will be re-used from previous run
- boxes will be preserved post-testing
- Nodes become corrupted with too many test runs/bad data and need to be refreshed then set
- Testing is complete and you want to clean up, run once more with
unset - you can also:
cd .vagrant/beaker_vagrant_files/default.yml ; vagrant destroy --force
: set tono
to disable color outputBEAKER_debug
: set to any value other thanno
to enable beaker debug loggingBEAKER_destroy
: set tono
to keep the VMs after the test run. Set toonpass
to keep the VMs around only after a test failure.BEAKER_keyfile
: specify alternate SSH key to access the test VMsBEAKER_options_file
: set to the file path of the options file to be used as the default options for beaker. Equivalent to the--options-file
: set tono
to skip provisioning boxes before testing, beaker will then assume that boxes are already provisioned and reachableBEAKER_setdir
: change the directory with nodesets. Defaults to the module'sspec/acceptance/nodesets
: set to the name of the node file to be used during testing (exclude .yml file extension, it will be added by beaker-rspec). The file is assumed to be in thesetdir
- set to the full path to a node file be used during testing (be sure to include full path and file extensions, beaker-rspec will use this path without editing/altering it in any way)
For details on the specific mappings, the setup code and the beaker docs.
Using puppetlabs-mysql as an example module.
git clone
cd puppetlabs-mysql
In module's top level directory edit the Gemfile. You should see a :system_tests
or :acceptance
group there, but if not, add beaker-rspec there:
group :acceptance do
gem 'beaker-rspec'
Then run
bundle install
These files indicate the nodes (or hosts) that the tests will be run on. By default, any node file called default.yml
will be used. You can override this using the BEAKER_set
environment variable to indicate an alternate file. Do not provide full path or the '.yml' file extension to BEAKER_set
, beaker-rspec expands the filename to '${DIR}/${NAME}.yml'. The directory defaults to spec/acceptance/nodesets
but can be overridden with the BEAKER_setdir
variable. BEAKER_setdir
gives full control over the path (including file extension).
Nodes are pulled from Puppet Labs Vagrant Boxes.
Example node files can be found here:
Create the nodesets directory. From module's top level directory:
mkdir -p spec/acceptance/nodesets
Copy any nodesets that you wish to use into the nodesets directory.
In the spec
folder, you should see the project's spec_helper_acceptance.rb
This file contains all of the setup logic needed to get your Systems Under Test
(SUTs) ready for testing. Note that puppetlabs-mysql's spec_helper_acceptance.rb
file can be a little intimidating, so we're going to leave getting familiar with
that to a later exercise. For now, create your own helper in the same directory.
For example, my_spec_helper_acceptance.rb
(creative, no?):
require 'beaker-rspec'
logger.error("LOADED MYYYYYYYYYY Spec Acceptance Helper")
# Install Puppet on all hosts
install_puppet_on(hosts, options)
RSpec.configure do |c|
module_root = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..'))
c.formatter = :documentation
c.before :suite do
# Install module to all hosts
hosts.each do |host|
install_dev_puppet_module_on(host, :source => module_root, :module_name => 'mysql',
:target_module_path => '/etc/puppet/modules')
# Install dependencies
on(host, puppet('module', 'install', 'puppetlabs-stdlib'))
# Add more setup code as needed
NOTE that the install_puppet_on
method used above will install the latest
Puppet 3.x version. If you'd like to install a more modern version, you can
replace that line with this one:
install_puppet_agent_on(hosts, options)
This method will install the latest puppet-agent from the specified
puppet collection
(defaults to pc1
Update spec_helper_acceptance.rb to reflect the module under test. You will need to set the correct module name and add any module dependencies. Place the file in the spec
directory (in this case puppetlabs-mysql/spec
Spec tests are written in RSpec. You can also use serverspec matchers to test resources.
Example spec file spec/acceptance/mysql_account_delete_spec.rb
# NOTE: the require must match the name of the helper file created above.
# If you changed the name there, you'll have to change it here.
# You can verify this is correct when you see the log statement from the helper.
require 'my_spec_helper_acceptance'
describe 'mysql::server::account_security class' do
let(:manifest) {
class { 'mysql::server': remove_default_accounts => true }
it 'should run without errors' do
result = apply_manifest(manifest, :catch_failures => true)
expect(result.exit_code).to eq 2
it 'should delete accounts' do
grants_results = shell("mysql -e 'show grants for [email protected];'")
expect(grants_results.exit_code).to eq 1
it 'should delete databases' do
show_result = shell("mysql -e 'show databases;'")
expect(show_result.stdout).not_to match /test/
it 'should run a second time without changes' do
result = apply_manifest(manifest, :catch_failures => true)
expect(result.exit_code).to eq 0
describe package('mysql-server') do
it { be_installed }
From module's top level directory
bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance
This plugin was originally authored by Puppet Inc. The maintainer preferred that Vox Pupuli take ownership of the module for future improvement and maintenance. Existing pull requests and issues were transferred over, please fork and continue to contribute here.
This gem is licensed under the Apache-2 license.
To make a new release, please do:
- update the version in lib/beaker-rspec/version.rb
- Install gems with
bundle install --with release --path .vendor
- generate the changelog with
bundle exec rake changelog
- Check if the new version matches the closed issues/PRs in the changelog
- Create a PR with it
- After it got merged, push a tag. GitHub actions will do the actual release to rubygems and GitHub Packages