Java wrapper for OneSky API.
For the list of API wrappers in other programming languages, see the OneSky Platform API documentation.
The library is available in Maven Central Repository, the coordinates are:
For example, Apache Maven dependency would be:
Create a client instance:
// Create the HttpClient and configure it as needed
var httpClient = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
var oneSkyClient = new OneSkyClient(
"<api-key>", "<api-secret>", httpClient
Asynchronous vs synchronous usage:
Every API call returns a CompletableFuture
which allows asynchronous API usage, e.g.:
(locales, throwable) -> {
if (locales != null) {
final String localesString =", "));
System.out.println("OneSky locales: " + localesString);
} else if (throwable != null) {
System.out.println("OneSky API call failed: " + throwable.getMessage());
To use the API synchronously, just invoke CompletableFuture.join()
, e.g.:
List<Locale> locales = oneSkyClient.locales().list().join();
Project Groups API example:
OneSkyProjectGroupsApi.ProjectGroup javaGroup = oneSkyClient.projectGroups().create("Java", Locale.CHINESE).join();
Page<OneSkyProjectGroupsApi.ProjectGroup> groups = oneSkyClient.projectGroups().pagedList(1, 50).join();
OneSkyProjectGroupsApi.ProjectGroup group4711 = oneSkyClient.projectGroups().retrieve(4711).join();
Project Types API example:
List<OneSkyProjectTypesApi.ProjectType> projectTypes = oneSkyClient.projectTypes().list().join();
projectTypes.forEach(projectType ->
System.out.println(projectType.getCode() + ": " + projectType.getName())
Locales API example:
List<Locale> oneSkyLocales = oneSkyClient.locales().list().join();