Manage your front-end project in unique views and reusable components.
Create your project folder and add a package.json
. This can be done with:
$ npm init
Install all dependencies
$ npm install front-end-guide gulp --save-dev
$ npm install gulp -g
If you are running this on an empty folder it’s recommended to get the scaffolding files. You can do this by running:
$ ./node_modules/.bin/front-end-guide
If you installed it globally then you can run
$ front-end-guide
Deploy locally
$ gulp build_guide
$ gulp serve
This will do the same as above and also watch files for changes and livereload
$ gulp watch
Optimize images
This will optimize new images on the assets-raw folder and copy them to assets/images
$ gulp imagemin
- Authoring templates (HTML)
- Authoring styles (LESS/CSS)
- Authoring scripts (JS)
- Authoring assets
- Creating modules
You can pass your autoprefix options:
autoPrefixBrowsers : ['> 1%', 'last 2 versions']
If you don't want to minify your output:
sourceMaps: false,
uglify: 'none'
If you want to change your raw images directory
rawImagePath : 'assets-raw/images'
README files are written with Markdown. Code blocks are syntax-highlighted with Prism. Currently we support four basic languages (C-like, CSS, "Markup", JavaScript).