Hi, I made a mod. You can check it out here along with the Steam Workshop :) If you're feeling adventurous, you can checkout the, *gasp*, dev branch.
- 4 differently faced regimental coats and fatigue caps
- Stuffable civilian coat and hat
- 3 slightly different tricorn and cocked hats
- Bearskin cap and beaverskin hat
- Watch cloak and capote
- Hunting shirt
- Cartridge box and accoutrements
- Physical box
- Muskets (you should check out Vanilla Weapons Expanded for some cool muskets (no bayonets))
- Appropriate hairstyles (did you know Vanilla Hair Expanded has some period correct hair styles?)
- Hair to show with hats (Show Hair With Hats has got you covered to make those hats look neat with hair)
Like what you see?