This project is no longer supported, it can be replaced with this solution:
This project provides the RedisCache
class which can then be combined with the SpringCacheBasedTicketCache
class from the following:
These two classes together accomplish the same behavior as this project set to accomplish. Since those projects are spring classes those should be more widely supported and thus why this project is not longer required.
This project implements
for storing stateless CAS tickets in a Redis database. This supports stateless authentication scheme in a highly available environment. This project depends on the Jedis Redis library.
Usage is simple. Construct a
with a Redis connection, optionally set expiration time, and use the instance when configuring your CAS security provider.
// Configure Redis connection
JedisPool pool = new JedisPool(new JedisPoolConfig(), hostname, port, timeout, null, database);
// Create the cache
RedisStatelessTicketCache cache = new RedisStatelessTicketCache(pool);
// Configure the CAS provider
mvn install
You must have gpg key to do a full build. Create one on linux with:
gpg --gen-key
If you need to supply a passphrase to the build then use
mvn install -D"gpg.passphrase=thephrase"
See maven-gpg-plugin documentation for further details.