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Leader Election And Replication Design
Xenon separates the processes of node group maintenance, selection of a primary (leader, owner) node per service, and that of state update replication. Xenon allows a service author to declare a set of capabilities on the service, which the framework uses at runtime to employ the proper protocol and processing.
The content that follows will make a lot more sense if the reader reviews the following pages. Its especially recommended the reader goes through the example tutorial
Please refer to the design page for larger context and Xenon motivation. See also clustering deck for an overview of Xenon multi-node mechanisms.
Xenon offers different guarantees to a service instance, depending on the service options declared in the service class. Please see programming model for details. This page relates to the following two options:
- ServiceOption.REPLICATION
Xenon provides three levels of consistency+availability, expressed through the combination of Capabilities, per service instance.
No consistency guarantees, highest availability. Updates to a service instance are applied on the node they are received and then replicated to peers if the update is validated and locally committed. Xenon will not wait for peers to respond before completing request to client.
This is the primary scale out mechanism. Higher consistency, allows for group membership changes while updates occur. All updates are forwarded to service instance on node assigned as "owner", assuming stable membership. This follows the strong leader principle, allowing the owner, per service, to see all updates first, then replicate if update is valid. Since updates are serialized within a service instance, clients will observe ordered updates on the owner node.
This level uses (i) a consensus protocol and (ii) synchronous replication: the client does not see a response until the consensus protocol executes.
The handleStart and handle PATCH/PUT/DELETE/GET handlers only get invoked on the service instance running on the owner node.
This combination is identical to level 2, with one crucial difference : if the number of available nodes is below the quorum level, the request will fail.
Requests are only guaranteed to be processed in the order they arrive at the selected “owner” (leader) node per service. If the same client does not wait for completion of a request before sending another, no guarantee is made on what order the client will see the completions to each request.
The service concurrency management guarantees that only one update will be processed, on the same node and the same service instance. This guarantee, coupled with the owner selection and automatic forwarding of all requests for the same service path, to the same node, means that, requests will evolve the state version of a service, deterministically. Possible divergence occurs when two clients get forwarded to two different selected owners for the same service path, and they have a non intersecting view of the membership, due to gossip replication delays. The probability of this occurring is minimized by not forwarding client requests when membership is in flux.
Unlike RAFT and VR we do not expect the Xenon framework to track duplicate requests. The notion of "duplicate" in RAFT is simplistic since two different clients can attempt to issue a semantically duplicate request (causes the same work to be done by the service). Detecting duplicate or out of date work can happen in one of two ways:
The service has ServiceOption.STRICT_UPDATE_CHECKING requiring conditional updates. This means the client must have read the current state, from the owner node, and supply the same version and document signature for the update to be accepted. In this case, client and framework ensure idempotency
The service author adds logic in the PATCH, PUT message handlers to detect when a request attempts to move state "backwards" or requests duplicate work. This can be a simple check of some request field values against the state, essentially implementing a custom version of ServiceOption.STRICT_UPDATE_CHECKING
If the service is marked with OWNER_SELECTION and an update is not accepted by a majority of peers, the client sees failures and the update is not committed at any service instance (owner or peers). For services that do not require eager consistency(enforce quorum), the update is committed on the owner and all replicas that accepted it but a service statistic is added to each service instance marking the service as IN-CONFLICT.
Divergence of values between replicas can occur for several reasons (including network partitioning) so we don't believe a system can get away without a eventual consistency mechanism that periodically, or on conflict detection attempts to converge values (through anti-entropy process). So eventual consistency is not exclusive of eager, strong consistency and provides the same simple programming model to the service author
The approach outlined below is most similar to view stamped replication (VR).
- Raft analysis
- Viewstamped Replication Revisited
- [Comparison of Paxos, VR, Zookeeper Atomic Broadcast] (https://www.cs.cornell.edu/fbs/publications/viveLaDifference.pdf)
Due to the Xenon service-as-a-document model, and our use of a multi-version index, the following Xenon fields and mechanisms map to concepts in VR / Raft:
Each update results in the service state being updated. This is essentially a snapshot, indexed as a new version, and allowing recovery to proceed with just the latest version, not requiring the entire history of updates. The log in our case is a history of complete state snapshots
The view, or term, is the documentOwner field, plus the documentEpoch, which are present in every version of the state.
The commit number is the documentVersion field, which increases monotonically, at the selected owner node, on each successful replication with majority of peers.
Owner selection (or leader election) is done using a consistent hash of the service URI path, over the node membership. Since node membership is maintained by gossip, divergent views are possible. That is ok, since we require the majority to agree on the owner, for each update.
Owner selection happens per request, since we hash the service URI path to the view of the nodes, at each peer. There is no voting, no timeout. As part of replication or request processing, if a node notices it does not have the same owner selected, or disagrees with the epoch, it will fail the request and re-synchronization will occur
The following service options must be enabled on a service for the following protocol to take effect, on every request update:
The ENFORCE_QUORUM option determines if a request is committed only when group membership is stable and a majority of nodes accept the update.
Each Xenon node belongs to one or more node groups. Each node group is maintained by an instance of the node group service which implements random gossip, see SWIM.
Xenon, using the default node selector service, uses consistent hashing to assign a key (for this discussion a service instance link), to a Xenon node.
The ConsistentHashingNodeSelectorService performs the following steps, per client request
- Retrieves the contents of the node group - This is a group of service hosts that is kept current through gossip. It uses the same underlying algorithm as peer to peer algorithms, detailed in the SWIM paper.
- Hashes a key (the service instance URI path, or a key) to one of the node ids. We take the euclidean distance between the SHA256 hash of the key, and the SHA256 hash of each node id. The node id with the smallest distance to the key, is designated the owner. If the group membership changed within a maintenance interval the results are returned immediately. Otherwise the partitioning request is queued and attempted on next maintenance interval or until expiration.
- The replication state machine, which runs as part of the I/O pipeline, post operation completion on the owner replica, sends a validated state to all secondary replicas of the service
- Each replica validates:
- The owner id (nodes must agree on who the owner is)
- The document epoch (this is a number incremented when a new owner is selected)
Synchronization occurs when new nodes are added to a node group, or existing nodes become un-available. Synchronization can be triggered through a client request to the core management service (PATCH to /core/management with a specific body) or it can be triggered from a notification on a node group.
The steady state protocol outlined below will also trigger a per service resynchronization if it notices disagreement on epoch, owner or version.
For more details about the Synchronization process in Xenon, please refer to the page Synchronization Internals
(Implemented by service client and service host inbound queuing logic)
- Request from client is forwarded to owner/leader node. If on the same node, request is queued and dispatched to service instance
- If request was forwarded and node fails to respond (fails with I/O error to request times out):
- Queue failed request
- Issue gossip patch to update node membership
- When group membership is stable, queued request is retried (new owner should have been selected)
- Service on owner node receives request:
- If STRICT_UPDATE_CHECKING required, performs comparison (See conditional update state machine)
- Service handler executes
- If Service handler fails request, STOP (client sees failure)
- On request completion by service instance:
- Propose: Owner issues a PUT, with the updated state to the peers. Body specifies documentOwner (the view), documentEpoch, and documentVersion (the current state version).
- Each peer verifies they agree on the owner
- Each peer verifies they agree on the current version of proposal
- Each peer verifies they agree on the epoch
- If peer agrees on version,epoch and owner, it replies with success to the PUT. The state is indexed using the proposed version
- If peer does not agree with owner or version, fails request
- If majority of peers fail request, STOP, client(sees failure). Peers garbage collect any un committed state
- Learn: After collecting majority responses from peers
- Owner node indexes request locally. If indexing fails, client sees failure.
- Owner completes forwarded request from entry point node
- Decide (commit): If no more requests are pending, owner node sends the current (committed) state to all peers, serving as "commit" to all the pending proposals at the peers. We do this only when the owner queue is empty to minimize additional messaging cost.
- Entry point node (which forwarded to owner), completes request to client