You can easily download video/audio playlists and convert tracks to mp3
Just create your own playlists on youtxbx or take other's public playlists and copypast their URLs:
./ playlist1_url [ playlis2_url ... playlistN_url ] [ --all | --audioonly | --videoonly ]
playlistX_url - just a playlist link in format like
--audioonly - download only audio
--videoonly - download only video
--all - download both, this is default
There are no specific requirements to install the script, you just need to have several additional modules installed in virtual environment or wide-system.
If you want to install venv:
curl -O # X - is a preferable version number
tar xvfz virtualenv-15.1.0.tar.gz#md5\=44e19f4134906fe2d75124427dc9b716
virtualenv venv1
source venv1/bin/activate
Inside virtual environment run:
pip install pafy
pip install youtube-dl # This is preferable backend for pafy
pip install pydub # To convert audio tracks
? pip install ffmpeg
? pip install avconv
? apt-get install ffmpeg
Add x
chmod a+x