The goal is to use the Facebook SDK via batch requests without having to complexify the code with the pre-processing and post-processing phases.
The trick is to use reference to return a temporary placeholder and to replace the placeholder with the real result when needed.
Usage :
// use the api as usual, please note the &
$me = &$facebook->batchApi('/me');
$picture = &$facebook->batchApi('/me/picture', 'GET', [
'type' => 'large',
'return_ssl_resources' => 1,
// execute the batch to fill $me and $picture with the real value
// use the results
curl \
-F 'access_token=…' \
-F 'batch=[{ "method":"POST","relative_url":"me/feed","body":"message=Test status update&link="},{ "method":"GET","relative_url":"me/feed?limit=1"}]' \
The second parameter makes it easy to alternate methods.
$result1 = &$facebook->batchApi('me/feed', 'POST', [
'message' => 'Test status update',
'link' => '',
$result2 = &$facebook->batchApi('me/feed', 'GET', [
'limit' => 1,
curl \
-F 'access_token=...' \
-F 'batch=[{ "method":"GET","name":"get-friends","relative_url":"me/friends?limit=5",},{"method":"GET","relative_url":"?ids={result=get-friends:$.data.*.id}"}]' \
A batch request can be named with the fourth parameter for later use.
$result1 = &$facebook->batchApi('me/friends', 'GET', [
'limit' => 5,
], [
'name' => 'get-friends',
$result2 = &$facebook->batchApi('/', 'GET', [
'ids' => '{result=get-friends:$.data.*.id}',
-F 'access_token=…' \
-F 'batch=[{"method":"POST","relative_url":"me/photos","body":"message=My cat photo","attached_files":"file1"},{"method":"POST","relative_url":"me/photos","body":"message=My dog photo","attached_files":"file2"},]' \
-F '[email protected]' \
-F '[email protected]' \
The method attachFile can be used to attach a file. The correspondance between the file name and the batch parameter is made internally.
$result1 = &$facebook->batchApi('me/photos', 'POST', [
'message' => 'My cat photo',
], [
'attached_files' => $facebook->attachFile('@cat.gif'),
$result2 = &$facebook->batchApi('me/photos', 'POST', [
'message' => 'My dog photo',
], [
'attached_files' => $facebook->attachFile('@dog.jpg'),