This library provides visual behaviors for UI elements in the Unity Engine.
Sure, but if you're like me, you'd rather control everything from code. I find it frustrating dealing with Unity's animation system -- the overhead of animations & animators, and the ambiguity trying to decipher the current state an animation may be in. This code also handles a lot of the legwork of allowing an action to be cut-off and redirected mid-animation.
This code is freely available to you via the WTFPL License
Examples of each are provided in the scene UIBehaviors-Example.unity found in the 'Scenes' folder.
Place this on a MaskableGraphic such as Image or Text and call Fade to make it fade away and grow. NOTE: Growth will happen relative to the pivot point of the element. This means if your pivot is on the top left, it will grow toward the bottom right.
Place this on a UI element such as Image or Text and you can call "Slam" on it to have the text slam into place.
Place this on a maskable UI element such as Image or Text and it will pulse through the colors laid out in colorPattern.
Place this on a UI element and shake it all around by calling Shake on this component.
Place this on a Text element and call AnimateValue to change the value over time, "tallying" the result.
Used to fade an entire group of UI elements together. All children of this object will be affected. Introduce a delay to create a cascading effect without having to manage coroutines.