- Download or clone this repo
- Make sure you have node and npm installed on your local machine. You can get tme here http://nodejs.org/.
- Using Node commad prompt, go to the project folder where you have cloned this project.
- Type "npm install". It will download all the dependencies. Wait for complete download.
- Type "bower install" to download javascript dependencies.
#Running app
- Type "grunt serve". The system will strtup a http server that runs at localhost:9000
- You will see a facebook login button. Press the button.
- You will be taken to facebook authentication and authorization page.
- Once approved, the page will disply the facebook user's name and other details.
- If you see the server is running with instead of localhost, the facebook cannot recognise the app. In this case, goto the browser address bar, type "http://localhost:9000/" and repeat the steps 2 to 4 in Running app section. This will allow the facbook login successful.