this repository is android application for chat,and i'm using some technology like this:
- node.js & for the server
- java android application and for the client side.
- mongodb with mongoosefor the database
- install nodejs
- install npm
- install with npm
- install mongoose with npm
- install mongoodb
- run mongoodb service
sudo mongod;
- run server
sudo node app.js;
- change url to your server
TestActivityInterface tac = new TestActivityInterface() { @Override public void TestActivitySocket(IOSocket a, MessageCallback b) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub a = new IOSocket("", b); try { a.connect(); a.setSessionID("loginsession"); setSocketIo(a); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } };
- run Chat Android app in eclipse or if you already apk file just install to android smartphone.
- to test select peoples who want to send and receive chat.
- send chat to another people
- group chat next release
- sms gateway next release
- broadcast message to different device(iphone,blackbery,anyone) next release
- not have notification in ui android because the layout is 60% fix
- group chat is not active
- setting in ui chat not active
- broadcast message is not active(need socket network programing if you want to use in another language programing with same server).
- login is not have authentication
if you want to use this repository please don't remove comment in each code, fork and follow this repository if any question send email to [email protected] , i wanna to update this code to be better.