Framework for simulating mobile application user activity, and generating events from this activity. The project covers the following phases:
- Engagement with a mobile app advertisement (clicking or viewing)
- Installing mobile application (as a result of the engagement or organically)
- Opening application (generating a session)
- Generating custom event in application
- Uninstalling the application
Generated events can be used for testing purposes, when a big volume of real (or close to real) data is required.
The framework tries to emulate real-world humans interacting with mobile applications, while taking predefined parameters into consideration.
- Ad network (through which an advertisement was published)
- Ad campaign
- Mobile application
- Mobile user
Relations between them are the following:
+--------------+ +---------------+
| | N:N | |
| Ad Network +------------+ Ad Campaign |
| | | |
+--------------+ +-------+-------+
| N:1
+--------+ +---+---+
| | N:N | |
| User +-----------+ App |
| | | |
+--------+ +-------+
There are multiple coefficients taken into account when generating events:
- Click to install rate (conversion rate) per application, ad network
- App popularity
- User activity and retention rate per app
Field Name | Description |
app_id | Mobile application ID |
user_id | 32-bit integer user ID (unique on a single app level) |
event_time | Event time in milliseconds from epoch |
country | Two letter country code |
city | City name |
device_type | Mobile device type (iOS, Android, etc.) |
device_vendor | Mobile device vendor (HP, Asus, etc.) |
ad_network | Ad network, which has led to the app install |
campaign | Ad campaign, which has led to the app install |
site_id | Website that shown the original ad about the app |
event_type | Event type (install, click, inapp, etc.) |
event_name | In-app event name |
organic | Whether the install was organic or not (False or True) |
days_from_install | Number of days passed since install till event_time |
revenue | Optional in-app event revenue in USD |
There's Docker image that has all the needed environment, and runs the script for you. To have it produce JSON events to standard output, run:
docker run --log-driver=none --rm -ti viyadb/events-generator:latest
For example, to have your Kafka populated with generated events run:
docker run --log-driver=none --rm -ti viyadb/events-generator:latest | \ --broker-list <kafka-broker>:9092 --topic <topic name>
To configure events generator behavior when running in Docker use the following environment variables:
Environment Variable | Description | Default value |
EVENTS_NUMBER | Total number of generated events | -1 |
CLICK_THROUGH_RATE | Click-through rate | 0.005 |
CAMPAIGNS_NUM | Number of running campaigns at any time | 10000 |
START_DATE | Events start date in format YYYY-MM-DD | 2015-01-01 |
OUTPUT_FORMAT | Events output format. Supported formats: json, tsv | json |
OUTPUT_HEADER | Whether to print TSV header | False |
TIME_FORMAT | Output time format. Supported formats are: timestamp_millis, iso | timestamp_millis |
For example, to have events generator produce content in TSV format use:
docker run --log-driver=none --rm -ti \
-e OUTPUT_FORMAT=tsv viyadb/events-generator:latest
Please make sure you have the following dependencies installed on your computer.
- Python 3
Run the following to prepare a runtime environment:
python3 -mvenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
To list all available options, please run:
./ --help