This project explores the profitability, ROI, and user engagement of various genres of film to recommend films for Microsoft to grow their new streaming service.
- Which genre got most profitability, ROI
- which genre got most engagement and ratings to get Microsoft movie good reputation
- which is the best season for movie release
- We found that Adventure, Sci-Fi, Animation, Action, Comedy, and Drama (in that order) were relatively high-performing on most or all metrics.
- Biography films were intersting in that they had very high ratings, although they performed poorly financially.
- Films with multiple genres also performed better on both financial measures.
we explored these datasets:
- Box Office Mojo
- TheMovieDB
- The Numbers
- Rotten Tomatoes
- List of films based on video games
- Film Adaptations of Video Games
Jeffsploration contains Jeff's Jupyter Notebook Jeffsploration uses imdb data together with budget data from to create visualizations comparing genres as well as number of genres for films. Data wrangling and exploration is done with pandas. Genres are one-hot encoded so that a mask can be created. This allows values for each genre to be aggregated, and these aggregates include the genres when a film has multiples. Data visualizations are done with matplotlib.
hy_exploration_1: han's early EDA
hy_exploration_2: han's second EDA and plots exploration
hy_exploration_3: han's cleaned-up and Final Notebook. it covers data import, data cleaning, brief observation and plots.
Growing a Streaming Service.pptx: presentation doc
Plots folder contains exported images of seaborn and matplotlib images