#SEG TODO list
Draw robots- Draw robot paths
Draw garbage objectsUpdate object locations - see aboveNo longer required, due to changes in drawing logicSave floor plan to an image - PNG, due to lossy nature of JPGCenter scrollpane viewport automaticallyIntegrate all needed GUI forms into 1, for easier usage- Differentiate between fiducially and non-fiducially explored cells (debugging)
Blocking move() methods (do not return from method until target reached, or move cancelled), without freezing the GUI (separate thread?)Extend the Robot class to be ObservableNo longer needed, GUI polls robot position as neededSubscribe the GUI to listen to Robot(s) for updates of robot positionNo longer needed, GUI polls robot position as needed
- Explore garbage objects, not just the floor plan
- Do not map other robots as occupied space
- Blocking Control.explore() method, to meet CLI requirements
- Remove unneeded nodes from path, to speed up robot navigation
- Align robot with garbage
- Pick/drop garbage
Create a garbage class to keep track of garbage objectsExtend class with Observable, to update observers on garbage move/collectionSubscribe GUI to Garbage objects, to redraw the GUI on move/collectionNo longer needed, GUI polls garbage position as needed
###Multi-robot control
- Assign tasks to robots
- Collision detection and avoidance between robots
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