Store some quotes in an object. Expose via a service. Display the quotes in a list, allow filtering. Create some filter button/links Allow add and remove quotes by typing in the ticker code
Refactor to read from json using http and promises
Allow user to add list of stocks with details of portfolio e.g. qty, purchase price, date
Refactor into views with ui routes
[ { "Symbol":"NFLX", "Name":"Netflix Inc", "Exchange":"NASDAQ" } ]
{ "Name":"Apple Inc", "Symbol":"AAPL", "LastPrice":524.49, "Change":15.6, "ChangePercent":3.06549549018453, "Timestamp":"Wed Oct 23 13:39:19 UTC-06:00 2013", "MSDate": 41570.568969907, "MarketCap":476497591530, "Volume":397562, "ChangeYTD":532.1729, "ChangePercentYTD":-1.44368493773359, "High":52499, "Low":519.175, "Open":519.175 }