The main goal is to provide a simple open source implementation of UPNP/DLNA service. From my point of view current server applications are over-engineered. This should not be THAT hard to deliver media content over a local network.
audio/video/image media server
no database, no index (except for 'last viewed' folder), all data is read directly from file system
fully customizable content tree along with special types of nodes
runs as a service on windows/linux systems (with help of bundled java service wrapper)
supports binding address configuration on systems with multiple network interfaces
range header support for full control of media playback (feature of jetty servlet container)
low memory requirements (for a Java Application, 64M in default configuration)
Checkout project source from github:
git clone
Project uses maven assembly plugin to build all distributions. Just run the command below to build .zip and .tar.gz distributions.
mvn clean assembly:assembly
Archives with distributions will appear under the target/
On a system with multiple network interfaces (physical and/or virtual) by default the UPnP/DLNA service is bound to all available interfaces. However, the content is served for first random network interface. Thus, it is highly recommended to configure application to bind to a single IP address via ipAddress
configuration element.
Vitaly Litvak [email protected]
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