Implementation of Redis sources and sinks for Flume NG
- Docker infrastructure (Redis 3 and Flume NG 1.7.0)
- Sources
- List
- Subscribe
- Sinks
- List
- Hash
- Set
- String
- Publish
First of all you need checkout this repository or download source codes from master
git clone [email protected]:vitalibo/flume-ng-redis.git
The next step is build this project use following command
mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
So, now you can run flume-ng and redis on docker infrastructure
docker-compose up --build
or, run directly flume-ng with command
flume-ng agent -C target/flume-ng-redis-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -n a1 -c conf -f conf/redis-list-source.conf
All redis sink and sources support next default configuration (where * dependent of configuration type).
agent.*.*.type = com.github.vitalibo.flume.plugin.redis.*
agent.*.* = localhost
agent.*.*.redis.port = 6379
agent.*.*.redis.timeout = 2000
agent.*.*.redis.password = s3cr3t
Examples of all configurations available in folder conf
agent.sources.*.type = com.github.vitalibo.flume.plugin.redis.source.RedisListSource
agent.sources.*.redis.key = demo
agent.sources.*.type = com.github.vitalibo.flume.plugin.redis.source.RedisSubscribeSource
agent.sources.*.redis.channels = demo
agent.sinks.*.type = com.github.vitalibo.flume.plugin.redis.sink.RedisListSink
agent.sinks.*.redis.key = demo
Hash sink support two strategy. In first case you need set regex pattern redis.hash.pattern
and mapping group number onto field name. For this set redis.hash.field.*
correct mapping (where * is number of group).
agent.sinks.*.type = com.github.vitalibo.flume.plugin.redis.sink.RedisHashSink
agent.sinks.*.redis.key = demo:#AUTO_INCREMENT:id
agent.sinks.*.redis.hash.pattern = (.*)\t(.*)\t(.*)\t(.*)\t(.*)
agent.sinks.*.redis.hash.field.1 = ip
agent.sinks.*.redis.hash.field.2 = date
agent.sinks.*.redis.hash.field.3 = method
agent.sinks.*.redis.hash.field.4 = host
agent.sinks.*.redis.hash.field.5 = browser
or, use second strategy where you need set regex pattern with named group (for example (?<name>.*)
agent.sinks.*.type = com.github.vitalibo.flume.plugin.redis.sink.RedisHashSink
agent.sinks.*.redis.key = demo:#AUTO_INCREMENT:id
agent.sinks.*.redis.hash.pattern = (?<ip>.*)\t(?<date>.*)\t(?<method>.*)\t(?<host>.*)\t(?<browser>.*)
agent.sinks.*.type = com.github.vitalibo.flume.plugin.redis.sink.RedisSetSink
agent.sinks.*.redis.key = demo
agent.sinks.*.type = com.github.vitalibo.flume.plugin.redis.sink.RedisStringSink
agent.sinks.*.redis.key = demo:#AUTO_INCREMENT:id
agent.sinks.*.type = com.github.vitalibo.flume.plugin.redis.sink.RedisPublishSink
agent.sinks.*.redis.key = redis.channels = foo, bar