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files in JetBrains IDEs to make working with BitBake-based projects (like
anything based on Yocto Project) easier.
The easiest way is to just install the plugin from the official JetBrains Marketplace:
Or you can download the latest release and install it in your favourite JetBrains IDE like this:
File ➜ Settings... ➜ Plugins ➜ ⚙️ Gear Button (Manage Repositories, Configure Proxy or Install Plugin from Disk) ➜
Install Plugin from Disk...
If you have Git, Gradle and Java installed, just use the following command to build the plugin:
gradle build -Pversion=$(git describe --dirty --tags --always)
The installable .zip
file of the plugin can then be found in build/distributions
Alternatives without installing Gradle & Java system-wide
If you don't want to install Gradle & Java locally, you can use e. g. Docker or Podman:
$ docker run --rm -it -u "$(id -u)" \
-v "$(pwd)":/home/gradle/project -w /home/gradle/project \
docker.io/library/gradle:7.4-jdk11 bash
$ gradle build -Pversion=$(git describe --dirty --tags --always)
You can also use Conda to install Gradle & Java in a separate environment:
$ conda create -n jetbrains-plugin-development -c conda-forge gradle=7.4.* openjdk=11.*.*
$ conda activate jetbrains-plugin-development
$ gradle build -Pversion=$(git describe --dirty --tags --always)