A simple ChatServer (yet a panel) for sending and recieving JSON messages between clients For full access, python 3.x is required
In order to take advantage of the server,
First, start XTerm.exe (or start an x86 for 32 bit machine). Next, from any programming language (requires socket library supported):
socket = new Socket ('localhost', 16472) // default XTerm port is 16472
// from now on we can send and recieve via the socket
// but watch out
// A message is consisting of 2 parts: first 4 bytes are for message size (in byte, denote n) and next n bytes represent the message content in json format
socket.close ()
we can accomplish these tasks:
- Query some information of kernel: You should sent a Message (format shown below) comprising of:
"type" : "request"
"function" : "kernel",
"request" : "get"
"variable" : "<any_variable>"
Response will have a form like:
"type": "response"
"success" : "true" // or "success":"false"
"result": "<result_content>"
- Create a channel, from now on the connection (socket) is used for publishing, see MQTT for more information:
"type" : "request"
"function" : "kernel",
"request" : "create"
"channel" : "<channel_name>"
After the sending attempt, socket should recieve a message contain
otherwise a message
"success": "false"
is returned
- Subscribe a channel:
"type" : "request"
"function" : "kernel",
"request" : "subscribe"
"channel" : "<channel_name>"
if succeed, the kernel-XTerm- should return a json message:
else a message which formed
is returned
From the time of successful subscription, the socket will be recieving messages having structure like this:
"channel":"subscribed channel"
- Accepted function via socket: <to_be_continue>