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File metadata and controls

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Bloom Forms Inputs



Required Props

  • contents: A string or an element; displays on the inside of the Button.
  • id: A unique string to give the Button an ID. Especially important if the Button triggers a modal or other elements where it's needed for accessibility.
  • onClick: A function to be triggered when the Button is clicked.

Optional Props

  • className: A string to style the Button.
  • loading: A boolean indicating if something on the page is loading that should prevent Button click events.
  • loadingElement: A React Element containing a spinner or other loading indicator in case you don't want to use the bloom-forms default spinner.

Example Usage

<Button contents='Click me' onClick={ this.renderStuff } id='example-button' className='Btn--small' />

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Required Props

  • checked: A boolean for if the element is checked or not. Usually populated like formData.field.value.
  • name: A string that should match one of the string in fieldNames passed into <Form>. Also used as the checkbox's ID.
  • label: Either a string or an element to label the checkbox. Hidden by default, but always required for accessibility purposes.
  • onChange: A function that fires when the checkbox is clicked. Usually updateForm.

Optional Props

  • className: A string for styling the checkbox input.
  • containerClass: A string for styling the entire div around the input and its label.
  • errors: A string for displaying errors. Usually populated like formData.field.error.
  • labelClass: A string for styling the label text.
  • onBlur: A function that fires when the Checkbox loses focus. Usually fires validation via checkField.
  • required: A boolean indicating if the input value can't be empty.
  • showLabel: A boolean showing or hiding the label text. By default, all bloom forms input labels are hidden.
  • showLabelBeforeCheckbox: A boolean reversing the display order of checkbox and label text.
  • validateAs: A string tying into the validation help passed in to the wrapper <Form>. Examples include 'not-empty', 'zip', and 'number'.

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CurrencyInput is a special TextInput that always validates as a number and displays the type of currency in the background of the input.

Required Props

  • currency: A string noting the type of currency. Typically 'ETH', 'BTC', etc.
  • id: A string that becomes the input's ID.
  • label: Either a string or a React element that labels the CurrencyInput. Required for accessibility purposes, but hidden by default.
  • name: A string tying the formData to the input's value. It should match one of the strings in fieldNames array passed into <Form>.
  • onChange: A function used to update the CurrencyInput's value. Generally, this should be updateForm.
  • value: A string holding the value of the CurrencyInput. Generally passed in like formData.field.value.

Optional Props

  • className: A string for styling the currency input.
  • containerClass: A string for styling the entire div around the input and its label.
  • error: A string usually passed in directly from formData that notes an error with that field validation. Generally passed in like formData.field.error.
  • labelClass: A string that styles just the label text.
  • placeholder: A string that shows up in the background of the CurrencyInput when its value is empty.
  • onBlur: A function that fires when focus leaves the element. Usually used to checkField.
  • required: A boolean indicating if the input value can't be empty.
  • showLabel: A boolean showing or hiding the label text. By default, all bloom forms input labels are hidden.

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A file input that supports drag and drop and multiple files. Forked and reworked for our purposes from 'react-dropzone'.

Required Props

  • files: An array of File objects. Should be passed in like formData.field.value, as file inputs append an array of Files to the redux store.
  • label: A string that labels the Dropzone. Required for accessibility purposes, but hidden by default.
  • name: A string tying the formData to the input's value. It should match one of the strings in fieldNames array passed into <Form>.
  • onChange: A function used to update the Dropzone's value. Generally, this should be manualFieldUpdate.

Optional Props

  • accept: A string limiting the file types accepted. Native HTML5 'accept' attribute on input type='file'.
  • containerClass: A string for styling the entire div around the input and its label.
  • imageStyle: An object with CSS for styling the preview images of any uploaded files. Will fall back to default styles if not defined.
  • loadingElement: A React Element containing a spinner or other loading indicator in case you don't want to use the bloom-forms default spinner.
  • multiple: A boolean allowing multiple files to be uploaded simultaneously. Defaults to true.
  • required: A boolean indicating if the input value can't be empty.

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Inline file input that does not support drag and drop.

Required Props

  • formId: A string that matches the id passed into your wrapper <Form>.
  • label: A string labelling your FileInput. Required for accessibility purposes, but hidden by default.
  • id: A string giving the FileInput its ID.
  • name: A string tying the FileInput's value to the formData. Also sets the name prop of each element in the group.
  • onChange: A function used to update the FileInput's value. Generally, this should be manualFieldUpdate.

Optional Props

  • accept: A string limiting the file types accepted. Native HTML5 'accept' attribute on input type='file'.
  • containerClass: A string for styling the entire div around the input and its label.
  • error: A string for displaying errors
  • multiple: A boolean allowing multiple files to be uploaded simultaneously.
  • onBlur:
  • required:

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Both RadioGroup and RadioButtonGroup are used when there are a variety of options, but only one can be selected at once. RadioButtonGroup behaves nearly identically to RadioGroup but has the styling of buttons.

Required Props

  • name: A string tying the RadioGroup's value to the formData. Also sets the name prop of each element in the group.
  • onChange: A function used to update the RadioGroup's value. Generally, this should be updateForm.
  • options: An array of radio options, with each one looking like:
      id: string,
      label: either a string or a react element
  • value: A string mapped to the RadioGroup's value in formData.

Optional Props

  • className: A string to style each radio input.
  • containerClass: A string to style the entire component wrapper.
  • error: A string usually passed in directly from formData that notes an error with that field validation. Generally passed in like formData.field.error.
  • labelClass: A string that styles only the label text of each radio input.
  • onBlur: A function that fires when focus leaves the element. Usually used to checkField.
  • required: A boolean indicating if the input value can't be empty.
  • validateAs: A string tying into the validation help passed in to the wrapper <Form>. Examples include 'not-empty', 'zip', and 'number'.

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Required Props

  • formId: A string that matches the id passed into your wrapper <Form>.
  • label: A string labelling your select input. Required for accessibility purposes, but hidden by default.
  • name: A string tying the formData to the input's value. It should match one of the strings in fieldNames array passed into <Form>.
  • onChange: A function used to update the SelectInput's value. Generally, this should be manualFieldUpdate.
  • options: An array of either strings, or an object of type: { label: string, value: number or string }. These populate your SelectInput options.
  • value: Either a number or string holding the value of the SelectInput. Generally passed in like formData.field.value.

Optional Props

  • containerClass: A string to style the entire select input container. Shows up on <label> in the DOM.
  • error: A string usually passed in directly from formData that notes an error with that field validation. Generally passed in like formData.field.error.
  • loading: A boolean indicating if an ajax request is populating the options of your SelectInput.
  • onBlur: A function that fires when focus leaves the element. Usually used to checkField.
  • required: A boolean indicating if the input value can't be empty.
  • showLabel: A boolean showing or hiding the label text. By default, all bloom forms input labels are hidden.
  • typeAhead: A boolean indicating if the SelectInput should have typeahead functionality. If set to false, typing letter characters has no effect on results.
  • validateAs: A string tying into the validation help passed in to the wrapper <Form>. Examples include 'not-empty', 'zip', and 'number'.

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TextArea is a multi-line text input for large amounts of text. Uses HTML5 <textarea>.

Required Props

  • label: Either a string or a React element that labels the TextArea. Required for accessibility purposes, but hidden by default.
  • name: A string tying the formData to the input's value. It should match one of the strings in fieldNames array passed into <Form>.
  • onChange: A function used to update the TextArea's value. Generally, this should be updateForm.
  • value: A string holding the value of the TextArea. Generally passed in like formData.field.value.

Optional Props

  • className: A string that styles the input box directly.
  • containerClass: A string for styling the entire div around the input and its label.
  • error: A string usually passed in directly from formData that notes an error with that field validation. Generally passed in like formData.field.error.
  • labelClass: A string that styles only the label text of the TextArea.
  • placeholder: A string that shows up in the background of the TextArea when its value is empty.
  • onBlur: A function that fires when focus leaves the element. Usually used to checkField.
  • required: A boolean indicating if the input value can't be empty.
  • showLabel: A boolean showing or hiding the label text. By default, all bloom forms input labels are hidden.
  • validateAs: A string tying into the validation help passed in to the wrapper <Form>. Examples include 'not-empty', 'zip', and 'number'.

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TextInput is a single line text input used most often in forms.

Required Props

  • label: Either a string or a React element that labels the TextInput. Required for accessibility purposes, but hidden by default.
  • name: A string tying the formData to the input's value. It should match one of the strings in fieldNames array passed into <Form>.
  • onChange: A function used to update the TextInput's value. Generally, this should be updateForm.
  • value: A string holding the value of the TextInput. Generally passed in like formData.field.value.

Optional Props

  • className: A string that styles the input box directly.
  • containerClass: A string that styles the wrapper around the entire component.
  • error: A string usually passed in directly from formData that notes an error with that field validation. Generally passed in like formData.field.error.
  • isPassword: A boolean that, when true, obfuscates all characters entered into the input and makes them appear as dots.
  • labelClass: A string that styles only the label text of the TextInput.
  • placeholder: A string that shows up in the background of the TextInput when its value is empty.
  • onBlur: A function that fires when focus leaves the element. Usually used to checkField.
  • onKeyDown: A function capturing a keydown event.
  • required: A boolean indicating if the input value can't be empty.
  • showLabel: A boolean showing or hiding the label text. By default, all bloom forms input labels are hidden.
  • validateAs: A string tying into the validation help passed in to the wrapper <Form>. Examples include 'not-empty', 'zip', and 'number'.

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The ToggleSwitch is a hidden checkbox that appears in the UI like a sideways light switch. In the DOM, it looks either 'on' or 'off' depending on the isActive prop.

Required Props

  • name: A string tying the formData to the input's value. It should match one of the strings in fieldNames array passed into <Form>.
  • isActive: A boolean that indicates if the ToggleSwitch is 'on' or 'off'.
  • labelText: A string that labels the ToggleSwitch.
  • onClick: A function that changes the value of the corresponding field in formData. Usually passed in like manualFieldUpdate('example-form-id', 'toggle-switch-name', !formData['toggle-switch-name'].value)

Optional Props

  • className: A string that styles the toggle switch.
  • disabled: A boolean that, when true, prevents the onClick event from firing and leaves the ToggleSwitch in 'off' position.
  • innerLabels: An object that allows you to display text for 'on' and 'off' inside the ToggleSwitch. An example object might look like:
    { on: 'true', off: 'false' }
  • required: A boolean indicating if the input value can't be empty. HTML checkboxes don't support this fully, so it's only used for UX display purposes.

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