Implemented a tokeniser and language model with smoothing for the datasets provided in the attached file.
- Implement unigram, bigram and trigram language models.
- Plot log-log curve and zipf curve for the above
- Implement laplace smoothing. Compare the effect of smoothing on different values for V (200, 2000, current size of vocabulary, 10*size of vocabulary). Plot these to compare.
- Implement Witten-Bell backoff.
- Implement Kneser-Ney smoothing.
- Compare the effects of the three smoothing techniques. (Plot)
- In Kneser-Ney, what happens if we use the estimates from laplace and wittenbell in the absolute discounting step ?. (Plot & Compare)
- Using KN-estimates from the three sources, generate text with unigram, bigram and trigram probabilities.
- Plot the zipf's curves of all the three sources on one graph. Where do they match ? Where don't they match ?
- Formulate tokenisation as a supervised problem. Annotate a small section of each source. Use the language models you have implemented. Implement naive bayes algorithm for this problem.
- How does it perform ? .