Vikas Test Project Instructions for running the project For running the project navigate to the VikasTestproject folder location via terminal/command prompt and then use the command as per OS-Browser compatibility. Change the URL as per environment.
**For running the project on linux or mac, make the chrome driver(located in \VikasTestproject\lib) executable by using command [chmod +x chromedriver] **Once the execution is completed reports can be found at VikasTestproject\reports\testng-xslt\index.html and failure screen shots at VikasTestproject\reports\screenshots
Please change the URL of environment under test in the commands below and in following property file[Only if not running on cmsqc]: user.dir//src//Configuration// [environmentURL=]
Change the parameter in the command as per OS-Browser compatibility:
For best performance, it is advisable to delete complete browser history(From beginning of time) and temporary files from the system before running the regression scripts.
Parameters: For OS: Windows = win Mac = mac Linux 32 bit = linux32 Linux 63 bit = linux64
For browsers: Chrome = chrome Firefox = ff Internet Explorer = ie Android = android [For android browser, OS parameter is mandatory but it can take any value from above defined OS. Changes required(IP) in on run]
For running project on chrome and OS windows: [Change the parameters according to above legend]
- Running Login Test Cases ant runLogin -DantUrl= -DantBrwsr=chrome -DantOS=win