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Update - unmark option as case-sensitive (#3251) #6

Update - unmark option as case-sensitive (#3251)

Update - unmark option as case-sensitive (#3251) #6

Workflow file for this run

name: Eco
- master
contents: read # to fetch code (actions/checkout)
fail-fast: false
- label: "Conda GNU (L)"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
python-version: "3.12"
mkl-version: ""
platform: linux-64
pytest-marker-expr: "addon and not (medlong or long)"
cmargs: >
-D ENABLE_v2rdm_casscf=ON
# Notes:
# * for all three lanes, can consider:
- label: "Conda Clang (M-Intel)"
runs-on: macos-13 # ensures py!=27 in base OS
python-version: "3.9"
mkl-version: ""
platform: osx-64
pytest-marker-expr: "addon and not (medlong or long)"
target-sdk: "10.10"
cmargs: >
-D ENABLE_v2rdm_casscf=ON
# Notes:
# * libiomp5 is picking up naturally but left here as guide
# -D OpenMP_C_FLAG="-fopenmp=libiomp5"
# -D OpenMP_CXX_FLAG="-fopenmp=libiomp5"
# * as long as we're using mac to test legacy QCFractal, stick with py39
# * Once upon a time, this GHA absolutely needed the SDK. I don't know
# why not now, but left here in case it shows up again.
# -D CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS="-isysroot /opt/MacOSX${{ }}.sdk" \
# -D CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT="/opt/MacOSX${{ }}.sdk" \
- label: "Conda Clang (M-Silicon)"
runs-on: macos-latest
python-version: "3.10"
mkl-version: ""
platform: osx-64
pytest-marker-expr: "addon and not (medlong or long)"
target-sdk: "10.10"
cmargs: >
-D ENABLE_v2rdm_casscf=ON
- label: "LLVM clang-cl (W)"
runs-on: windows-latest
python-version: "3.12"
mkl-version: "=2022.1"
llvm-version: "17.0.6"
platform: win-64
pytest-marker-expr: "addon and not (medlong or long) and not d2ints"
cmargs: >
-D psi4_SKIP_ENABLE_Fortran=ON
-D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-IC:\Miniconda\envs\p4build\opt\compiler\include"
# Notes:
# * When not using cache file, need to additionally specify the following:
# -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-cl
# * "not d2ints" allows Windows accessing c-f L2 to pass
# * Older computers may need -D ENABLE_XHOST=OFF & -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="/arch:AVX"
# * See mkl-version notes at end
# * If building certain addons from src (i.e., L2), need
# * See OpenMP_LIBRARY_DIRS below. no longer needed
# -D OpenMP_LIBRARY_DIRS="D:/a/psi4/psi4/iomp5md/conda/win/2019.1"
name: "Eco • 🐍 ${{ matrix.cfg.python-version }} • ${{ matrix.cfg.label }}"
runs-on: ${{ matrix.cfg.runs-on }}
shell: bash -l {0}
# fetch-depth: 0 gets git history so Psi4 version is computable
- name: Checkout Psi4
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
# see CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT and CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS for use
# mac_ver line returns, e.g., "10.15" for Catalina & "11.6" for Big Sur. but phracker doesn't support all minor, so some logic to hardcode.
- name: Prepare compiler environment, SDK (M)
#if: runner.os == 'macOS'
if: false
run: |
macos_Mm=$(SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=0 python -c "import platform; Mmp = platform.mac_ver()[0]; Mm = '.'.join(Mmp.split('.')[:2]); print(Mm)")
macos_M=$(SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=0 python -c "import platform; Mmp = platform.mac_ver()[0]; M = '.'.join(Mmp.split('.')[:1]); print(M)")
echo $macos_Mm $macos_M
if [[ "${macos_M}" == "11" ]]; then
elif [[ "${macos_M}" == "12" ]]; then
# until phracker merges and releases 12 via
elif [[ "${macos_M}" == "13" ]]; then
echo $macos_Mm
curl -L${macos_Mm}/MacOSX${{ }}.sdk.tar.xz | sudo tar xf - -C /opt/
# equivalent to `call vcvarsall.bat x64`. see Azure script to follow cmdline.
- name: Prepare compiler environment, vcvarsall (W)
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1
arch: x64
# see OpenMP_LIBRARY_DIRS for use
# no longer needed since intel-openmp conda package now provides dll & lib
- name: Prepare OpenMP build environment, libiomp5md.lib (W)
#if: runner.os == 'Windows'
if: false
run: git clone
- name: Write Conda environment files
run: |
# Buildtime/Runtime (L, M, W)
echo "::group::Prepare OS Python"
which python
python --version
pip install PyYAML
echo "::endgroup::"
conda/ \
env \
--name p4build \
--python ${{ matrix.cfg.python-version }} \
--disable docs \
echo "::group::View Env Spec File for Conda (from advisor)"
printf "\n<<< env_p4build.yaml >>>\n"
cat env_p4build.yaml
echo "::endgroup::"
if [[ "${{ runner.os }}" == "Linux" ]]; then
# not for py312
sed -i "s;- cppe;#- cppe;g" env_p4build.yaml
if [[ "${{ runner.os }}" == "macOS" && "${{ matrix.cfg.label }}" == "Conda Clang (M-Intel)" ]]; then
# sed -E -i.bak "s;;;g" env_p4build.yaml
if [[ "${{ runner.os }}" == "macOS" && "${{ matrix.cfg.label }}" == "Conda Clang (M-Silicon)" ]]; then
sed -E -i.bak "s;- adcc;#- adcc;g" env_p4build.yaml
sed -E -i.bak "s;- einsums;#- einsums;g" env_p4build.yaml
sed -E -i.bak "s;accelerate;openblas;g" env_p4build.yaml
sed -E -i.bak "s;- memory_profiler;#- memory_profiler;g" env_p4build.yaml
# memory leaks. accelerate is fine but openblas matches the scf-cholesky stored values
if [[ "${{ runner.os }}" == "Windows" ]]; then
sed -i "s;#- dpcpp_linux-64;- clangdev ${{ matrix.cfg.llvm-version }};g" env_p4build.yaml
#sed -i "s;- intel-openmp;- intel-openmp=2024.2.0=h57928b3_978;g" env_p4build.yaml
echo " - pygments" >> env_p4build.yaml
echo "::group::View Env Spec File for Conda (Edited)"
printf "\n<<< env_p4build.yaml >>>\n"
cat env_p4build.yaml
echo "::endgroup::"
- name: Setup Conda
uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v3
activate-environment: p4build
environment-file: env_p4build.yaml
show-channel-urls: true
python-version: ${{ matrix.cfg.python-version }}
auto-activate-base: false
add-pip-as-python-dependency: true
channels: conda-forge
conda-remove-defaults: true
- name: Buildtime Conda environment
run: |
conda info
conda list
- name: Configure Psi4, ${{ matrix.cfg.label }}
run: |
conda/ \
cache \
--objdir objdir \
echo "::group::View Cache File for CMake"
printf "\n<<< [email protected] >>>\n"
pygmentize -g -O style=friendly,linenos=1 [email protected]
echo "::endgroup::"
# Note: using the cache file (-C below) is optional. See cmargs above.
# The cache file is doing the -D ENABLE_<addon>=ON work.
cmake \
-S. \
-B objdir \
-G Ninja \
-C "${{ github.workspace }}/[email protected]" \
${{ matrix.cfg.cmargs }}
- name: Compile & Install Psi4
run: cmake --build objdir --config Release --target install
- name: Linked dependencies, ldd (L)
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
run: ldd objdir/stage/lib/psi4/core.*.so
- name: Linked dependencies, otool (M)
if: runner.os == 'macOS'
run: otool -L objdir/stage/lib/psi4/core.*.so
- name: Linked dependencies, objdump (W)
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
shell: cmd /C CALL {0}
run: objdump.exe -p objdir\stage\lib\psi4\core.*.pyd | grep dll
- name: Special Config - QCElemental Dep
if: false
run: |
conda remove qcelemental --force
python -m pip install git+[email protected] --no-deps
- name: Special Config - QCFractal Dep
if: false
run: |
conda remove qcfractal --force
python -m pip install -e 'git+'
- name: Special Config - Patch Legacy QCFractal for Python
if: false
run: |
sed -E -i.bak "s;for result in self.queue.values\(\);for result in list(self.queue.values());g" /Users/runner/miniconda3/envs/p4build/lib/python${{ matrix.cfg.python-version }}/site-packages/qcfractal/queue/
- name: Runtime Conda environment
run: |
conda info
conda list
if [[ "${{ runner.os }}" != "Windows" ]]; then
# on Windows, cmd varies: `qcengine.exe`
qcengine info
- name: Test OpenMP
working-directory: ./install/lib
run: python -c "from psi4 import core; core.set_num_threads(42); assert core.get_num_threads() == 42"
- name: Test Run, Spot, Run
working-directory: ./objdir
run: |
export PATH=../install/bin:$PATH
psi4 ../tests/tu1-h2o-energy/input.dat -o stdout
# step works but is redundant with next one; enable for debugging
- name: Test Addons with CTest (M)
if: runner.os == 'macOS'
working-directory: ./objdir
run: ctest -L quick -j2 --output-on-failure # `-LE d2ints` needed for Windows
- name: Test Addons with Pytest
working-directory: ./objdir
run: PYTHONPATH=stage/lib pytest --cache-clear -v -rws --durations=50 --durations-min=40 --strict-markers --color yes -n auto -m "${{ matrix.cfg.pytest-marker-expr }}" stage/lib/psi4/tests/
- name: Write user Conda environment files
run: |
pygmentize -g env_p4build.yaml
pygmentize -g [email protected]
conda/ -vv
cp env_p4build.yaml "devtools/conda-envs/${{ matrix.cfg.platform }}-buildrun.yaml"
git diff --color-words
# Notes
# -----
# Error: (W) "OMP: Error #15: Initializing libiomp5md.dll, but found libomp.dll already initialized." or analysis shows linked to libomp.dll
# Soln: feed OpenMP_LIBRARY_DIRS so selects correct libiomp5md.lib so analysis shows linked to libiomp5md.dll
# Error (W) " File "D:\a\psi4\psi4\objdir\stage\lib\psi4\", line 55, in <module>
# from . import core
# ImportError: DLL load failed while importing core: The specified module could not be found."
# Soln:
# Have mkl-devel=<mkl-version> -or- mkl=<mkl-version> in runtime environment to match mkl-devel=<mkl-version> in build env.
# Having intel-openmp=<mkl-version> in build and run seems fine but not necessary.
# one of mkl=${{ matrix.cfg.mkl-version }} or mkl-devel=${{ matrix.cfg.mkl-version }} needed to avoid DLL runtime error
# Error: (W) "DLL load failed while importing _multiarray_umath: The specified module could not be found."
# Soln: Add `C:\tools\miniconda3\Library\mingw-w64\bin` to PATH
# Using Intel's OpenMP on Windows needs libiomp5md.lib (import library) and libiomp5md.dll at buildtime and libiomp5md.dll at runtime.
# No conda package provides libiomp5md.lib, so we stashed one from 2019.1 on GH and clone it here for the build.
# We feed the cloned path to the build via OpenMP_LIBRARY_DIRS. 2019.1 has been the iomp5 version for a long time.
# But by now, only defaults conda channel has a complementary intel-openmp=2019.1 package with the dll.
# In order to update the version and to allow a single channel base, conda-forge, using mkl-version=2021.4 still with that
# same 2019.1 iomp5, and it seems to work fine. Is all this really necessary? I don't know.
# There is another libiomp5md.lib that comes with llvm and lives at "C:\Program Files\LLVM\lib\libiomp5md.lib".
# Attempts to use it quickly fell off the narrow path-of-compilability-and-runability but should be explored again.