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.NetCore API

vijayapalponram edited this page Dec 30, 2021 · 3 revisions


API core

  1. Controller/Action
  2. Routing
  3. HTTP verbs
  4. Request Binders
  5. Middleware - Routing, Endpoint, RequestValidation

Create sample API with GET & POST methods

  1. Authorization
  2. Filters
  3. Custom Response - (Knowing Response Status Codes)
  4. Exception Handling
  5. Dependency Injection - (Default vs Autofac)
  6. Logging - (Default vs Serilog)

Add authorization to your existing APIs, Send enrich responses, handle the exceptions with status codes

EntityFramework Core

  1. Basics
  2. Create tables with CodeFirst approach
  3. Migrations
  4. DBContext, DBSets
  5. Unit of Work (Optional)

Fetch the data from database and insert a record into database

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