This is a mini project of Viet Trung. Used to import, edit, delete and display the class consciousness scoreboard.
- Demo
- Feature summary
- What's new in version 1.4?
- Framework, library,...
- Setting
- Report an error
- License
The system includes the following features:
- Allow login to:
- Create, edit, delete student information, week
- Create, edit, delete weekly points
- Display student scores each week
- Displays a student's total score for the week
- Show the whole class's transcript
- Change the interface light and dark
- Super powerful interface update!
- Fix the main menu is hidden when in mobile mode
- Add dark mode
To run this project, install it locally using yarn (or npm):
- Setting:
yarn install
- start the project:
yarn start
# or
yarn developer
The default path is: http://localhost:9001 (* *)
Change API_PATH and MONGO_URL in .env in order to run the project normally.
- API_PATH: is the API path, replace http://localhost:9001 with your website URL
- MONGO_URL: is the path to your database, get MONGO_URL at mongodb.com
Change ADMIN_PASSWORD in .env change admin password .
The database structure is located in the utils directory
Bonus (for teachers): Change the number of weeks exist at API.JS
If there is an error or any problem, please report an error here
ScoreSystemVer1.4 is a free and open source website. All source code of ScoreSystemVer1.4 is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0.