sps_king is a Ruby gem which implements pain (Payment Initiation) file building for the Swiss Payment Standard, which is a subset of the ISO 20022 standard.
This is currently implemented in v1.8 for Swiss Credit Transfers (pain.001.001.03.ch.02
) and v1.2 for Swiss Direct Debits (pain.008.001.02.ch.03
If you are looking for SEPA pain file building, take a look at sepa_king.
This gem is forked of sepa_king
and therefore heavily inspired by the structure and the API.
- Ruby 2.7 or newer
- ActiveModel 5.0 or newer
gem install sps_king
How to create the XML for Direct Debit Initiation (in German: "Lastschriften")
# First: Create the main object
sdd = SPS::DirectDebit.new(
# Name of the initiating party and creditor, in German: "Auftraggeber"
# String, max. 70 char
name: 'Gläubiger GmbH',
# Optional: ISR Participant Number for the swiss ISR debit system. Only for Swiss Direct Debits with ISR references
# Numeric, 9 digits, last digit is checkdigit recursive with modulo 10
isr_participant_number: '010001456',
# International Bank Account Number of the creditor
# String, max. 34 chars
iban: 'CH7081232000001998736',
# Creditor Identifier, in German: Gläubiger-Identifikationsnummer
# String, max. 35 chars
creditor_identifier: 'ABC1W'
# Second: Add transactions
# Name of the debtor, in German: "Zahlungspflichtiger"
# String, max. 70 char
name: 'Zahlemann & Söhne GbR',
# International Bank Account Number of the debtor's account
# String, max. 34 chars
iban: 'CH9804835011062385295',
# Amount
# Number with two decimal digit
amount: 39.99,
# OPTIONAL: Currency, CHF by default (ISO 4217 standard)
# String, 3 char
currency: 'CHF',
# Instruction Identification, will not be submitted to the debtor
# String, max. 35 char
instruction: '12345',
# OPTIONAL: End-To-End-Identification, will be submitted to the debtor
# String, max. 35 char
reference: 'XYZ/2013-08-ABO/6789',
# OPTIONAL: Unstructured remittance information, in German "Verwendungszweck"
# String, max. 140 char
remittance_information: 'Vielen Dank für Ihren Einkauf!',
# OPTIONAL: Structured remittance information, in German "Strukturierter Verwendungszweck". Required for e.g. Swiss Direct Debits
# StructuredRemittanceInformation
structured_remittance_information: SPS::StructuredRemittanceInformation.new(
# Defines how the reference field should be interpreted for Swiss Direct Debits
# One of these strings:
# 'ESR' ("ESR-Referenznummer")
# 'IPI' ("IPI-Verwendungszweck")
proprietary: 'ESR',
# if proprietary is 'ESR': 27 character ISR reference number
# if proprietary is 'IPI': 20 character IPI remittance
reference: '609323234234234353453423423'
# Service Level
# One of these strings:
# 'CHTA' ("Banklastschrift") - Only for Swiss Direct Debits
# 'CHDD' ("PostFinance-Lastschrift") - Only for Swiss Direct Debits
service_level: 'CHTA',
# Local instrument, in German "Lastschriftart"
# One of these strings:
# 'DDCOR1' ("Basis-Lastschrift") - only for service_level 'CHDD'
# 'DDB2B' ("Firmen-Lastschrift") - only for service_level 'CHDD'
# 'LSV+' ("Basis-Lastschrift") - only for service_level 'CHTA'
# 'BDD' ("Firmen-Lastschrift") - only for service_level 'CHTA'
local_instrument: 'LSV+',
# OPTIONAL: Requested collection date, in German "Fälligkeitsdatum der Lastschrift"
# Date
requested_date: Date.new(2013,9,5),
# OPTIONAL: Use a different creditor account
# CreditorAccount
creditor_account: SPS::CreditorAccount.new(
name: 'Creditor Inc.',
iban: 'CH7081232000001998736',
creditor_identifier: '12312'
# Specify the country & address of the debtor (The individually required fields depend on the local legal requirements)
debtor_address: SPS::DebtorAddress.new(
country_code: 'CH',
# Not required if individual fields are used
address_line1: 'Mustergasse 123a',
address_line2: '1234 Musterstadt'
# Not required if address_line1 and address_line2 are used
street_name: 'Mustergasse',
post_code: '1234',
town_name: 'Musterstadt'
sdd.add_transaction ...
# Last: create XML string
xml_string = sdd.to_xml # Use latest schema pain.008.001.02.ch.03
How to create the XML for Credit Transfer Initiation (in German: "Überweisungen")
# First: Create the main object
sct = SPS::CreditTransfer.new(
# Name of the initiating party and debtor, in German: "Auftraggeber"
# String, max. 70 char
name: 'Schuldner GmbH',
# Business Identifier Code (SWIFT-Code) of the debtor
# String, 8 or 11 char
bic: 'RAIFCH22',
# International Bank Account Number of the debtor
# String, max. 34 chars
iban: 'CH5481230000001998736'
# Second: Add transactions
# Name of the creditor, in German: "Zahlungsempfänger"
# String, max. 70 char
name: 'Contoso AG',
# Business Identifier Code (SWIFT-Code) of the creditor's account
# String, 8 or 11 char
bic: 'CRESCHZZ80A',
# International Bank Account Number of the creditor's account
# String, max. 34 chars
iban: 'CH9300762011623852957',
# Amount
# Number with two decimal digit
amount: 102.50,
# OPTIONAL: Currency, CHF by default (ISO 4217 standard)
# String, 3 char
currency: 'CHF',
# OPTIONAL: Instruction Identification, will not be submitted to the creditor
# String, max. 35 char
instruction: '12345',
# OPTIONAL: End-To-End-Identification, will be submitted to the creditor
# String, max. 35 char
reference: 'XYZ-1234/123',
# OPTIONAL: Unstructured remittance information, in German "Verwendungszweck"
# String, max. 140 char
remittance_information: 'Rechnung vom 22.08.2013',
# OPTIONAL: Structured remittance information, in German "Strukturierter Verwendungszweck". Required for e.g. Swiss QR transfers
# StructuredRemittanceInformation
structured_remittance_information: SPS::StructuredRemittanceInformation.new(
# Defines how the reference field should be interpreted for Swiss Direct Debits
# One of these strings:
# 'IPI' ("IPI-Verwendungszweck")
# 'QRR' ("QR-Referenz")
proprietary: 'QRR',
# if proprietary is 'IPI': 20 character IPI remittance
# if proprietary is 'QRR': 27 character QR reference
reference: '000008207791225857421286694'
# OPTIONAL: Requested execution date, in German "Ausführungstermin"
# Date
requested_date: Date.new(2013,9,5),
# OPTIONAL: Enables or disables batch booking, in German "Sammelbuchung / Einzelbuchung"
# True or False
batch_booking: true,
# OPTIONAL: Urgent Payment
# One of these strings:
# 'SEPA' ("SEPA-Zahlung")
# 'URGP' ("Taggleiche Eilüberweisung")
service_level: 'URGP'
# OPTIONAL: Charge Bearer
# One of these strings:
# 'DEBT' (Borne by Debitor)
# 'CRED' (Borne by Creditor)
# 'SHAR' (Shared)
# 'SLEV' (Service Level) - Must be SLEV for SEPA transfers
charge_bearer: 'SHAR',
# OPTIONAL: Unstructured information to indicate the purpose of the payment
# String, max. 4 char
category_purpose: 'SALA',
# Specify the country & address of the creditor. The required fields may vary depending on the legal requirements.
creditor_address: SPS::CreditorAddress.new(
country_code: 'CH',
# Not required if individual fields are used
address_line1: 'Mustergasse 123a',
address_line2: '1234 Musterstadt'
# Not required if address_line1 and address_line2 are used
street_name: 'Mustergasse',
building_number: '123a',
post_code: '1234',
town_name: 'Musterstadt'
sct.add_transaction ...
# Last: create XML string
xml_string = sct.to_xml # Use latest schema pain.001.001.03.ch.02
- https://www.six-group.com/interbank-clearing/de/home/standardization/iso-payments/customer-bank/implementation-guidelines.html
- https://www.lsv.ch/en/home/financial-institutions/direct-debit-procedures/support.html
- https://www.six-group.com/interbank-clearing/de/home/bank-master-data/inquiry-bc-number.html
Released under the MIT license
Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Tobias Schoknecht
Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Georg Leciejewski (Sales King GmbH) & Georg Ledermann for portions of this project copied from sepa_king