This is a cross platform wallet app with integrated trading using Nethereum, Xamarin.Forms and targetting all main mobile platforms Android, iOS, Windows and Dektop platforms(windows 10, UWP, XboX), IoT with the Raspberry PI. Supports multisig but delegation of funds is optional (just for extra features), to avoid disasters like with Parity multisig. P2P helps avoiding domain hijacking. Oh btw - it's quantum-resistant using SIDH implementation.
- Multisignature (with optional delegating funds to smart contract) and/or 2FA
- Trade without leaving your wallet
- Spend limit
- Account recovery
- Human-readable aliases
- P2P
- Quantum-resistant encryption
- Multiple platforms support desktop/mobile
- Transfer your funds to backup account in case of no activity for defined time (via optional smart contract)
Work in progress.
Prototype on Marvellapp :
- Generic UI design
- Whitepaper
- Multi signature support
- Ether Transfer example
- Load account from KeyStorage, Private key and HDWallet
- ViewModels to use ReactiveUI, Validation
- Akavache
- Secured storage integration sample
- Connect to Etherscan
- Improve UI / UX
- Mac, Linux, WPF, TV, Watch samples
- Continue testing all the platforms
- Possibly template for other blockchains via .NET wrappers
- iOS prototype
- Android prototype