To get started you will need:
Docker installed on your local machine.
An IDE for building .NET Core applications such as Visual Studio
Once you have the prerequisites installed on your local development machine you should be able to run the Unicorn Store locally either in your IDE or in a local container. Take the time to read mutiple environments in ASP.NET Core and safe storage of app secrets in development in ASP.NET Core before starting so you understand the various different configuration options.
The Unicorn Store demonstrates how to run a .NET Core application in a Docker container while connecting to a SQL backend (Database=UnicornStore) in Amazon RDS. The RDS credentials to the database in are stored in AWS Secrets Manager along with other sensitive information needed for the application to run. This allows the Unicorn Store application to safely connect to the database from the container without storing the secrets in a file on the container or in source control.
Click here to start the workshop.