Demonstrate shows the flow of open id by listing app steps.
Framework used
- Spring boot
- scribejava
- lombook
- keycloak
- Set up keycloak IDP (
- Grab client id , cleint secret and realm name and add it in application.yml (src/main/resources ) file .
- DO not forgot to set correct redirectURI in keycloak otherwise you will get BAD Request from keycloak on redirection.
- Redirect URI is * http://localhost:8090/openid-showcase *
- Run
- This will start spring boot application and will give you the link to obtain the authorization code
- Copy the URL and paste in browser.
- You will be redirected to keycloak login page.
- Login using the user and credentials you created in Prerequisite ( 1 ).
- Post sucessfull login , you will again be redirected ,
- just grab the code request parameter value from browser address bar ( &code=XXXXX).
- Paste on console
- You will see the access token on the console.
- The application will then try to use this access token to access user profile endpoint.
- Prints response from server.