A basic reddit clone, inspired by Ben Awad's lireddit.
You'll need Node and Yarn installed You will need PostgreSQL installed and running with a database called 'minireddit' (otherwise edit the name correspondingly in
) You will need Redis installed
- run
to install dependencies - from root folder run
cd server
andyarn watch
to start the Typescript complier on watch mode (will compile everytime it detects a change). - from root folder run
cd server
andyarn dev
to start development server. - from root folder run
cd client
andyarn start
to start frontend. - from any folder in local machine run
to start Redis server.
Node.js / Express, in Typescript.
- PostgreSQL: database
- TypeORM: Typescript ORM for connecting to PostgreSQL databases.
- GraphQL.js: Javascript implementation for GraphQL, for building type schemas and serving queries against them (Note: stick to the 15.x version of GraphQL, since v16 contains breaking changes for TypeGraphQL).
- TypeGraphQL: Typescript classes and decorators for defining GraphQL schemas and resolvers.
- Apollo Server: GraphQL server
- class-validator: Validation decorators