Vesper's freeCodeCamp Projects. More info at
These should all be live at
- Timestamp Microservice
- Request Header Parser Microservice
- URL Shortener Microservice
- Image Search Abstraction Layer
- File Metadata Microservice
Voting (Link)
Create and share polls so other can cast their vote.
- Client/server split architecture
- Express with Mongoose for routing and database management
- JsonWebToken, Passport, and bcrypt for authentication
- Extensive backend unit testing with Mocha and Chai
- Trying out React and Semantic UI for the front end.
Nightlife Coordination (Link)
Find out which venues will be busy tonight and RSVP to let others know.
- I continued with a MERN stack and client/server split architecture
- Information about nightlife venues is retrieved from Yelp's API
- Here I explored front end unit tests with Jest and Enzyme
Chart the Stock Market (Link)
Track historical stock prices with a fancy chart.
- Beautiful charts are drawn with Highcharts.
- WebSockets keep charts in sync across devices in real time.
- Financial data is retrieved from Yahoo's financial API.
- No frontend libraries this time
Manage a Book Trading Club (Link)
BookShare allows you find a better home for your dusty books while you look for something new to read.
- Search for virtually any book using the Google Books API
- Add your location with zippopotam so you can filter for books that are nearby
- Discover and request books from other users
- Accept (or reject) trade requests from
Build a Pinterest Clone (Link)
Browse interesting photos submitted by others, vote on the best ones, and submit your own.
- Like and unlike to your hearts content
- Find all the images you have shared or browse the galleries submitted by others
- Broken image detection automatically swaps the image for a placeholder
- Delete any of the images that you submitted