Also see
LLOL: Low-Latency Odometry for Spinning Lidars
Chao Qu, Shreyas S. Shivakumar, Wenxin Liu, Camillo J. Taylor
Sample data at
Open rviz using the config in launch/llol.rviz
First run ouster driver
roslaunch ouster_decoder driver.launch
Then run ouster decoder
roslaunch ouster_decoder decoder.launch
Then run odom
roslaunch llol llol.launch
Run bag.
See CMakeLists.txt for dependencies. You may also check our Github Action build file for instructions on how to build LLOL in Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic.
To run multithread and show timing every 5s do
roslaunch llol llol.launch tbb:=1 log:=5
This is the open-source version, some advanced features may be missing.