Good morning, I'm Verónica Valdez, Analyst Programmer and Full Stack web Developer, graduated from the National University of Jujuy in Argentina. After years of experience in institutional liaison, organization of events and student groups, I decided to redirect my career, with the aim of returning to my profession in IT, and bring my acquired experience. I got certified as a Full Stack web developer three years ago and started working in an EdTech company. Currently I work as a technology teacher at Digital House and I teach Backend, POO, Full Stack, Database and Introduction to Computer Science. In JavaScript my stack is MERN, I work with MySQL, Express, React and Node, but I am constantly updating my knowledge. Also Learn and develop in Java with SpringBoot, Spring Security, using Junit5, Maven and others. This repository is a prove of my new skills. Welcome!!
const veronica = {
pronouns: "she" | "her",
code: [Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
js: ["React", "React-Native"],
css: ["Bootstrap", "Material Design", "React-Bootstrap"]
backEnd: {
js: ["Node", "Express"],
java: ["SpringBoot", "Spring Security", "Junit5", "Maven"],
databases: ["PostgreSQL", "MySQL", "Oracle"]
currentOccupation: ["teacher on a Developer Academy"],
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]