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ramonfmir committed Jan 17, 2023
1 parent 06723ad commit 56d4679
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Showing 18 changed files with 290 additions and 319 deletions.
14 changes: 5 additions & 9 deletions CvxLean/Lib/ExpCone.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,34 +1,30 @@
import Mathbin.Data.Set.Basic
import Mathbin.Data.Complex.Exponential
import CvxLean.Lib.Missing.Mathlib
import Mathbin.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Basic

namespace Real

def expCone (x y z : ) : Prop :=
def expCone (x y z : Real) : Prop :=
(0 < y ∧ y * exp (x / y) ≤ z) ∨ (y = 00 ≤ z ∧ x ≤ 0)

def Vec.expCone (x y z : Fin n → ) : Prop :=
def Vec.expCone (x y z : Fin n → Real) : Prop :=
∀ i, Real.expCone (x i) (y i) (z i)

theorem exp_iff_expCone (t x : ) : exp x ≤ t ↔ expCone x 1 t := by
theorem exp_iff_expCone (t x : Real) : exp x ≤ t ↔ expCone x 1 t := by
unfold expCone
rw [iff_def]
apply And.intro
· intro hexp
apply Or.intro_left
apply And.intro
apply zero_lt_one
change * exp (x / ≤ t
change 1 * exp (x / 1) ≤ t
rw [div_one, one_mul]
· intro h
cases h with
| inl h =>
have h : * exp (x / ≤ t := h.2
have h : 1 * exp (x / 1) ≤ t := h.2
rwa [div_one, one_mul] at h
| inr h =>

end Real
133 changes: 64 additions & 69 deletions CvxLean/Lib/Minimization.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,29 +1,26 @@
import Mathbin.Data.Real.Basic
import Mathbin.Order.Bounds
import Mathbin.Order.BoundedOrder
import Mathbin.Data.Set.Function

attribute [-simp] Set.inj_on_empty Set.inj_on_singleton Quot.lift_on₂_mk Quot.lift_on_mk Quot.lift₂_mk
import Mathlib.Order.Bounds.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Function

/-- Type of an optimization problem. -/
structure Minimization (D : Type) (R : Type) :=
(objFun : D → R)
(constraints : D → Prop)
structure Minimization (D : Type) (R : Type) where
objFun : D → R
constraints : D → Prop

namespace Minimization

variable {D E R S : Type} [Preorderₓ R] [Preorderₓ S] (p : Minimization D R) (q : Minimization E R)
variable {D E R S : Type} [Preorder R] [Preorder S]
variable (p : Minimization D R) (q : Minimization E R)

/-- A feasible point is a point in the domain that satisfies the constraints. -/
structure FeasPoint :=
(point : D)
(feasibility : p.constraints point)
structure FeasPoint where
point : D
feasibility : p.constraints point

/-- A solution is a feasible point that is also optimal. -/
structure Solution :=
(point : D)
(feasibility : p.constraints point)
(optimality : ∀ y : p.FeasPoint, p.objFun point ≤ p.objFun y.point)
structure Solution where
point : D
feasibility : p.constraints point
optimality : ∀ y : p.FeasPoint, p.objFun point ≤ p.objFun y.point

section Reductions

Expand All @@ -43,8 +40,8 @@ def simple_reduction
intro xhx
cases xhx with
| mk x hx =>
apply le_transₓ _ (h_objFun_f hx)
apply le_transₓ (h_objFun_g sol.feasibility)
apply le_trans _ (h_objFun_f hx)
apply le_trans (h_objFun_g sol.feasibility)
exact sol.optimality {
point := f x,
feasibility := h_constraints_f hx } }
Expand All @@ -59,64 +56,64 @@ def decompose_constraint
p.Solution :=
simple_reduction p _ sol
(fun x => (g x, x)) (fun x => x.2)
(fun {x} hx => le_reflₓ _)
(fun {x} hx => le_reflₓ _)
(fun {x} hx => le_refl _)
(fun {x} hx => le_refl _)
(fun {x} hx => ⟨rfl, (hc _) ▸ hx⟩)
(fun {x} hx => by {rw [hc, ←hx.1]; exact hx.2})

/-- -/
def eq_to_le_left
(e: Equiv D (S × E)) (f : E → S) (c : D → Prop)
(hc : ∀ {x}, p.constraints x ↔ ((e x).1 = f (e x).2 ∧ c x))
(h_objFun : ∀ x r s, p.objFun (e.symm (r,x)) = p.objFun (e.symm (s,x)))
(h_mono: ∀ x r s, r ≤ s → c (e.symm (r, x)) → c (e.symm (s, x)))
(hc : ∀ {x}, p.constraints x ↔ ((e.toFun x).1 = f (e.toFun x).2 ∧ c x))
(h_objFun : ∀ x r s, p.objFun (e.symm.toFun (r,x)) = p.objFun (e.symm.toFun (s,x)))
(h_mono: ∀ x r s, r ≤ s → c (e.symm.toFun (r, x)) → c (e.symm.toFun (s, x)))
(sol : Solution
{ objFun := p.objFun,
constraints := fun x => (e x).1 ≤ f (e x).2 ∧ c x } ) :
constraints := fun x => (e.toFun x).1 ≤ f (e.toFun x).2 ∧ c x } ) :
p.Solution :=
simple_reduction p _ sol
(fun x => x) (fun x => e.symm ⟨f (e x).2, (e x).2⟩)
(fun {x} hx => le_reflₓ _)
(fun x => x) (fun x => e.symm.toFun ⟨f (e.toFun x).2, (e.toFun x).2⟩)
(fun {x} hx => le_refl _)
(fun {x} hx => by
rw [h_objFun _ _ ((e x).1)]
rw [h_objFun _ _ ((e.toFun x).1)]
simp [le_of_eq])
(fun {x} hx => ⟨le_of_eqₓ (hc.1 hx).1, (hc.1 hx).2⟩)
(fun {x} hx => ⟨le_of_eq (hc.1 hx).1, (hc.1 hx).2⟩)
(fun {x} hx => by
have : c (e.symm (f (e x).2, (e x).2)) := by
have : c (e.symm.toFun (f (e.toFun x).2, (e.toFun x).2)) := by
apply h_mono
apply hx.1
simp [hx.2]
simp [hc, this])
simp_all )

/-- -/
def eq_to_le_right
(e: Equiv D (S × E)) (f : E → S) (c : D → Prop)
(hc : ∀ {x}, p.constraints x ↔ (f (e x).2 = (e x).1 ∧ c x))
(h_objFun : ∀ x r s, p.objFun (e.symm (r,x)) = p.objFun (e.symm (s,x)))
(h_mono: ∀ x r s, r ≤ s → c (e.symm (s, x)) → c (e.symm (r, x)))
(hc : ∀ {x}, p.constraints x ↔ (f (e.toFun x).2 = (e.toFun x).1 ∧ c x))
(h_objFun : ∀ x r s, p.objFun (e.symm.toFun ⟨r, x⟩) = p.objFun (e.symm.toFun ⟨s, x⟩))
(h_mono: ∀ x r s, r ≤ s → c (e.symm.toFun (s, x)) → c (e.symm.toFun ⟨r, x))
(sol : Solution
{ objFun := p.objFun,
constraints := fun x => f (e x).2 ≤ (e x).1 ∧ c x }) :
constraints := fun x => f (e.toFun x).2 ≤ (e.toFun x).1 ∧ c x }) :
p.Solution :=
simple_reduction p _ sol
(fun x => x) (fun x => e.symm ⟨f (e x).2, (e x).2⟩)
(fun {x} hx => le_reflₓ _)
(fun x => x) (fun x => e.symm.toFun ⟨f (e.toFun x).2, (e.toFun x).2⟩)
(fun {x} hx => le_refl _)
(fun {x} hx => by
rw [h_objFun _ _ ((e x).1)]
rw [h_objFun _ _ ((e.toFun x).1)]
simp [le_of_eq])
(fun {x} hx => ⟨le_of_eqₓ (hc.1 hx).1, (hc.1 hx).2⟩)
(fun {x} hx => ⟨le_of_eq (hc.1 hx).1, (hc.1 hx).2⟩)
(fun {x} hx => by
have : c (e.symm (f (e x).2, (e x).2)) := by
have : c (e.symm.toFun (f (e.toFun x).2, (e.toFun x).2)) := by
apply h_mono
apply hx.1
simp [hx.2]
simp [hc, this])

/-- -/
def linearization_mono {of : D → R} {cs : D → Prop}
{S : Type}
{g : D → S} {c : S → D → Prop} {f : S → D → R}
{hS : Preorderₓ S}
{hS : Preorder S}
(hof : ∀ x, of x = f (g x) x)
(hcs : ∀ x, cs x = c (g x) x)
(h_mono_of: ∀ x r s, r ≤ s → f s x ≤ f r x)
Expand All @@ -127,16 +124,16 @@ def linearization_mono {of : D → R} {cs : D → Prop}
Solution {objFun := of, constraints := cs} :=
simple_reduction _ _ sol
(fun x => (g x, x)) (fun x => x.2)
(fun {x} hx => le_of_eqₓ (hof _).symm)
(fun {x} hx => le_of_eq (hof _).symm)
(fun {x} hx => by simp only [hof]; exact h_mono_of x.2 _ _ hx.1)
(fun {x} hx => by simp only [hcs] at hx; exact ⟨le_reflₓ _, hx⟩)
(fun {x} hx => by simp only [hcs] at hx; exact ⟨le_refl _, hx⟩)
(fun {x} hx => by simp only [hcs]; exact h_mono_cs x.2 _ _ hx.1 hx.2)

/-- -/
def linearization_antimono {of : D → R} {cs : D → Prop}
{S : Type}
{g : D → S} {c : S → D → Prop} {f : S → D → R}
{hS : Preorderₓ S}
{hS : Preorder S}
(hof : ∀ x, of x = f (g x) x)
(hcs : ∀ x, cs x = c (g x) x)
(h_mono_of: ∀ x r s, r ≤ s → f r x ≤ f s x)
Expand All @@ -147,16 +144,16 @@ def linearization_antimono {of : D → R} {cs : D → Prop}
Solution {objFun := of, constraints := cs} :=
simple_reduction _ _ sol
(fun x => (g x, x)) (fun x => x.2)
(fun {x} hx => le_of_eqₓ (hof _).symm)
(fun {x} hx => le_of_eq (hof _).symm)
(fun {x} hx => by simp only [hof]; exact h_mono_of x.2 _ _ hx.1)
(fun {x} hx => by simp only [hcs] at hx; exact ⟨le_reflₓ _, hx⟩)
(fun {x} hx => by simp only [hcs] at hx; exact ⟨le_refl _, hx⟩)
(fun {x} hx => by simp only [hcs]; exact h_mono_cs x.2 _ _ hx.1 hx.2)

/-- -/
def graph_expansion_greatest {of : D → R} {cs : D → Prop}
{S : Type}
{g : D → S} {c d : S → D → Prop} {f : S → D → R}
{hS : Preorderₓ S}
{hS : Preorder S}
(hg : ∀ x v, c v x → IsGreatest {y | d y x} (g x))
(hof : ∀ x, of x = f (g x) x)
(hcs : ∀ x, cs x = c (g x) x)
Expand All @@ -168,7 +165,7 @@ def graph_expansion_greatest {of : D → R} {cs : D → Prop}
Solution {objFun := of, constraints := cs} :=
simple_reduction _ _ sol
(fun x => (g x, x)) (fun x => x.2)
(fun hx => le_of_eqₓ (hof _).symm)
(fun hx => le_of_eq (hof _).symm)
(fun {x} hx => by simp only [hof]; exact h_mono_of x.2 _ _ ((hg x.2 x.1 hx.2).2 hx.1))
(fun {x} hx => by simp only [hcs] at hx; exact ⟨(hg x (g x) hx).1, hx⟩)
(fun {x} hx => by simp only [hcs]; exact h_mono_cs x.2 _ _ ((hg x.2 x.1 hx.2).2 hx.1) hx.2)
Expand All @@ -177,7 +174,7 @@ simple_reduction _ _ sol
def graph_expansion_least {of : D → R} {cs : D → Prop}
{S : Type}
{g : D → S} {c d : S → D → Prop} {f : S → D → R}
{hS : Preorderₓ S}
{hS : Preorder S}
(hg : ∀ x v, c v x → IsLeast {y | d y x} (g x))
(hof : ∀ x, of x = f (g x) x)
(hcs : ∀ x, cs x = c (g x) x)
Expand All @@ -189,7 +186,7 @@ def graph_expansion_least {of : D → R} {cs : D → Prop}
Solution {objFun := of, constraints := cs} :=
simple_reduction _ _ sol
(fun x => (g x, x)) (fun x => x.2)
(fun hx => le_of_eqₓ (hof _).symm)
(fun hx => le_of_eq (hof _).symm)
(fun {x} hx => by simp only [hof]; exact h_mono_of x.2 _ _ ((hg x.2 x.1 hx.2).2 hx.1))
(fun {x} hx => by simp only [hcs] at hx; exact ⟨(hg x (g x) hx).1, hx⟩)
(fun {x} hx => by simp only [hcs]; exact h_mono_cs x.2 _ _ ((hg x.2 x.1 hx.2).2 hx.1) hx.2)
Expand All @@ -198,7 +195,7 @@ simple_reduction _ _ sol
def graph_expansion_least_forall {of : D → R} {cs : D → Prop}
{I S : Type} [Inhabited I]
{g : D → I → S} {h : D → I → S} {c d : S → D → Prop}
{hS : Preorderₓ S}
{hS : Preorder S}
(hg : ∀ x v i, c v x → IsLeast {y | d y x} (g x i))
(hcs : ∀ x, cs x = ∀ i, c (g x i) x)
(h_mono_cs: ∀ x r s, r ≤ s → c s x → c r x)
Expand All @@ -210,38 +207,36 @@ def graph_expansion_least_forall {of : D → R} {cs : D → Prop}
(fun y x => ∀ i, c (y i) x)
(fun y x => ∀ i, d (y i) x)
(fun y x => of x)
fun a b => a ≤ b,
fun a b => a ≤ b ∧ ¬b ≤ a,
fun a i => le_reflₓ (a i),
fun a b c hab hbc i => le_transₓ (hab i) (hbc i),
fun a b => Iff.refl _⟩
fun a i => le_refl (a i),
fun a b c hab hbc i => le_trans (hab i) (hbc i),
fun a b => Iff.refl _⟩
(fun x v hc => ⟨fun i => (hg x (v i) i (hc i)).1,
fun v' c i => (hg x (v i) i (hc i)).2 (c i)⟩)
(fun x => rfl)
(fun x r s hrs => le_reflₓ _)
(fun x r s hrs => le_refl _)
(fun x r s hrs hc i => h_mono_cs x (r i) (s i) (hrs i) (hc i))

/-- Change domain to equivalent type. -/
noncomputable def domain_equiv {D E : Type} (e : Equiv E D)
(R : Type) [Preorderₓ R]
(R : Type) [Preorder R]
(f : D → R) (cs : D → Prop)
(sol : Solution
{ objFun := f ∘ (coeFn e),
constraints := cs ∘ (coeFn e)}) :
{ objFun := f ∘ e.toFun,
constraints := cs ∘ e.toFun}) :
{ objFun := f,
constraints := cs } :=
simple_reduction _ _ sol (coeFn e.symm) (coeFn e)
(fun hx => by simp [Function.comp, coeFn, CoeFun.coe])
simple_reduction _ _ sol e.symm.toFun e.toFun
(fun hx => by simp [Function.comp])
(fun hx => by simp)
(fun {x} hx => by simp [Function.comp, coeFn, CoeFun.coe]; exact hx)
(fun {x} hx => by simp [Function.comp]; exact hx)
(fun {x} hx => by simp; exact hx)

/-- -/
def map_objective {D : Type}
(R S : Type) [Preorderₓ R] [Preorderₓ S]
(R S : Type) [Preorder R] [Preorder S]
(f : D → R) (g : R → S) (cs : D → Prop)
(hg: ∀ r s, cs r → cs s → g (f r) ≤ g (f s) → f r ≤ f s)
(sol : Solution
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -269,7 +264,7 @@ Solution {objFun := of, constraints := cs} :=
simple_reduction _ _ sol f g
(fun {x} hx => by simp [hfg x hx])
(fun {x} hx => by simp)
(fun {x} hx => by simp [hfg x hx, hx])
(fun {x} hx => by simp [hfg x hx, hx]; exact hx)
(fun {x} hx => hx)

/-- -/
Expand All @@ -282,8 +277,8 @@ def rewrite_objective {cs : D → Prop}
constraints := cs }) :
Solution {objFun := f, constraints := cs} :=
simple_reduction _ _ sol id id
(fun {x} hx => le_of_eqₓ (hfg x hx).symm)
(fun {x} hx => le_of_eqₓ (hfg x hx))
(fun {x} hx => le_of_eq (hfg x hx).symm)
(fun {x} hx => le_of_eq (hfg x hx))
(fun {x} hx => hx)
(fun {x} hx => hx)

Expand All @@ -300,4 +295,4 @@ Solution {objFun := f, constraints := cs} := by

end Reductions

end Minimization
end Minimization
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions CvxLean/Lib/Missing/List.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import Mathbin.Data.Fin.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Ring.Basic

def List.findIdx' (p : α → Prop) [DecidablePred p] : List α → Option Nat
Expand All @@ -9,7 +8,7 @@ def List.toVec (x : List α) : Fin (x.length) → α :=
fun i => List.get x ⟨i, i.2

def List.finRange' (d n : Nat) : List (Fin n) :=
if hn : Nat instLTNat 0 n then (List.range d).map (Fin.ofNat' · hn) else []
if hn : 0 < n then (List.range d).map (Fin.ofNat' · hn) else []

def List.sum' [Zero α] [Add α] (L : List α) : α :=
L.foldl (· + ·) 0

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