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vnStat 2.12

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@vergoh vergoh released this 21 Jan 17:44
· 32 commits to master since this release
  • Fixed
    • QueryMode documentation in configuration file didn't match implementation
      or man page description
    • Daemon didn't try to import legacy databases when --noadd was used and no
      current version database initially existed resulting in the process
      exiting even when something could have been done
    • Daemon didn't try to import legacy databases when --initdb was used and
      no current version database initially existed, this behaviour can still
      be enabled by using --noadd in combination with --initdb
    • Using --nodaemon and --initdb at the same time didn't result in an error
      being shown
  • New
    • Add 95th percentile output as --95th, also available via --alert, --json,
      --xml and image output, requires 5MinuteHours configuration to be set to
      at least 744 for storing all the necessary data
    • Add --json support for --alert
    • Database queries resulting in error exit with status 1
    • Show spinning animation at the beginning of -l / --live output line,
      visibility configurable using LiveSpinner configuration option
    • Add -ic / --invert-colors option to image output for facilitating for
      example dark mode switching without needing to have multiple separate
      color configurations
    • Add dark mode option to image output example cgi (examples/vnstat.cgi)
    • Add option 4 to QueryMode for selecting summary output of single
      interface regardless of the number of interfaces in the database
    • Add optional mode parameter to -q / --query for overriding QueryMode
      for summary output and for enabling control of summary output style
      regardless of the number of interfaces in the database
    • Add --startempty option to daemon for starting and keeping the daemon
      running even if no interfaces were discovered and the database is empty
    • Add --noremove option to daemon for disabling the automatic removal of
      interfaces from database that aren't currently visible and haven't seen
      any traffic
    • Add third mode option to --iflist and --dbiflist for getting only the
      interface count as output